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SHARON  KAYE  OAKS                                    DEBORAH  PEDLOW
            There  is  wisdom  in  generosity."                 ''She  seems to  walk  on  wings and tread in  air."
           Paramedics  1 ,2,3,  Vice  President  3;  Office  Assistant  2;  Girl  Scouts
                                                                Girl  Scouts  1 ,2,3,4;  T ri-Hi-Y  1 ,2;  Annua I  Representative  1 ,2,3,4;
           1,2,3,4;  OCT  4;  CEC  4,  Treasurer  4.            Annual  Staff 4;  Art  Club  4;  Office  Assistant  1,3.
                          JOSEPH  RICHARD  ODOM                                CHARLES  ALBERT  PEELER
           "He  is  o  sure  card/'                             " So  ends the  bloody  business of day."
           DE  4,  President  4;  CEC  4,  1st  Vice  President.   FFA  1,2,3,4;  OCT  3,4;  CEC  4.
                            SALLY  OLIPHANT                                     NAOMI  ANN  PEELER
           "She  rides  in  the  whirlwind and directs  the  storm."   " There  is  determination  hidden  in  her quiet ways."
           Transfer  4;  Chorus  1 ,2;  Spanish  Club  3;  Annual  Staff  4;  Y-Teens   Paramedics  2;  Office  Assistant  3;  FHA  1,2;  CEC  4;  DE  4,  Secretary
           1 ,2;  Preps  3;  Girl  Scouts  4;  Art  Club  1.    4;  Librctry  Club  2.
                                                                              THOMAS  EDWARD  PEPPER
                         BARBARA  PATRICIA  O' NEAL             " As large  as life  and twice  as  natural."
           She  is  nice,  she  is  sweeet ."                   Student  Council;  Football  2,3,4;  FHA  Beau  4;  Lettermens'  Club
                                                                3; Track  4.
                          JOHN  WINTON  O 'NEAL                                 SANDRA  LOU  PERRY
           " The  birds can  fly,  and why  can't  I?"
                                                                " To  make  the  world  a  friendly  place,  she  shows  to  it  a  friendly
           FFA;  Track.                                         face."
                                                                FTA  1,2;  Tri-Hi-Y  1;  Junior  Classical  League  1,2,3,4;  Student  Council
                          JAMES  DEWEY  PARNELL                 3;  Art  Club  4;  Key  Club  Sweetheart  4;  Annual  Staff  4;  Senior
          " Too  good  for  banning,  and too  bad  for  blessing."   Play.
          Track;  Football.
                                                                              EVERETT  WOODS  PHILLIPS
                                                                " The  world  is  his  who  en;oys  it."
                          RICHARD  DALE  PARRISH                FFA;  OCT;  CEC.
           " Be  always sure  you're  right,  then  go  ahead."
                                                                                 SUZANNE  PHILLIPS
                                                                                 " Most  Intellectual"
                          SHIRLEY  ANN  PARRISH                 "Lovely  in  person  and  wealthy  in  knowledge."
           " Politeness  is  real kindness,  kindly  expressed."
           OCT  4;  CEC  4.                                     FTA  1,2,3,4,  Historian  2,  Parliamentarian  3,  President  4;  Girl
                                                               Scouts  1 ,2,3,4;  rode  Homecoming  float  1;  Tri-Hi-Y  1 ,2,3,4,  President
                                                                1,  Treasurer  2,3,4;  Tiger  Staff  1,2,3,4,  Sophomore  Editor  2;  Annual
                                                               Representative  1 ,2;  National  Honor  Society  3,4;  Annual  Staff  3,4,
                                                               Ed ito r  4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  2,3,4,  Vice  President  3;
                       MOST  DIGNIFIED
                   Priscilla  Lewis   Mike  Leslie             DAR  Good  Citizen  4;  Stale  Science  Fair  1;  Girls'  State  3;  Top
                                                               10%  Freshman  Placement;  Top  Scorer  Senior  Placement;  DAR  Ameri-
                                                               can  History  Award  3;  Second  Place  Voice  of  Democracy  Contest  4.
                                                                             PATRICIA  ANN  PILKINGTON
                                                               " All  succeeds  with  people  who  are sweet and cheerful."
                                                               FTA  2,3,4;  Tri-Hi-Y  1 ,2,3,4;  Tiger  Staff  1 ,2,3,4;  Calendar  Girl  3;
                                                               Paramedics  1,2;  Glee  Club  1;  rode  Homecoming  float  3;  Annual
                                                                Staff 3,4;  Student  Council  2.
                                                                             WILLIAM  JOHNSON  POUND
                                                               "Life  is  but  a  pilgrimage  of blasts."
                                                                               LINDA  ELAINE  PRUITI
                                                               " Give  the  world  the  best  you  have."
                                                               OCT  3;  DE  4;  CEC  4.
                                                                                   VIAN  REDA
                                                               " Though  I  am  always in  haste,  I am  never  in  a  hurry."
                                                               Cheerleader  2;  FTA  1,2;  Art  Club  4;  Tri-Hi-Y  1,2,3,4;  Tiger  Staff
                                                               2,3,4;  Annual  Staff 4.
                                                                                   DIANE  REED
                                                               "My thoughts  and I  were  of another world."
                                                               Transferred  4;  Band  1,4;  Spanish  Club,  Presitenl  2;  WOW  Ameri-
                                                               can  History  Award  3; Senior  Play.
                                                                              BRENDA  GAYLE  REGISTER
                                                               "Gentle,  innocent  and  sincere."
                                                               Office  Assistant  4;  OCT  4;  CEC  4.
                                                                             STEPHEN  DOUGLAS  REHBERG
                                                               " Give  me  health  and  a  day  and  I  will  make  the  pomp  of
                                                               emperors  ridiculous.''
                                                               FTA  2,3,4;  Mu  Alpha  Theta  2,3,4,  President  3;  Latin  Club  1,2,3,.4;
                                                               Tiger  Staff  3,4;  Beta  Club  3,4;  National  Honor  Society  3,4;  Key
                                                               Club  3,4,  President  4;  Student  Council  2,3;  Boys'  Stale  3;  Senior
                                                               Play  4.
                                                                             HAROLD  HADDON  RHODES
                                                               " Hope  for  the  best,  but  be  ready  for  the  worst."
                                                               Student Cou neil  4.
                                                                             DONALD  WAYNE  ROBERTS
                                                               " All  who  ;oy  would  win  must  share  it  -  Happiness  was  born
                                                               o  twin."
                                                               Senior Steering  Committee  4.
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