Page 107 - chs-1969
P. 107
Student Council Is
More Progressive
Than Ever.
Ea<:h \ear, Columbia Ili~h holds demo-
<:rati<: el~·<:tions for officers and reprcsenta-
tiv ·s of ~tudent Council. \s their main
fundion, these leaders pro\ ide the students
\\ith their own govcming body.
This war, the Student Cotmt:il has been
vt'I"} active in \<trious proje<:ts. They h,tve
sold candy to raise money and sponsored
a ~lagit: show, the annual Intr.tmural Bas-
ketball Tournament, and Ilomet:Oming
Officer\, Jcfi to right: Mal')· Jane Crawford, Treasurer; Jack \feeks,
Pre\ident; Jan Kirb}, Secretary; Hen Coleman, Vice-president.
Froul row, left to right: '>man Eadie, Charlene ~everance, \'ick) Tison, Janie Crawford, Barbara
llenderson, llene Garrett, Glenn Philh) , Sue Havndal, \lal') flo \lixon. Second row: 'i Perkins,
Jo<h \lcDonald, jan h.irln. h.m \ ekeman, \lar) Lou Bond, Georgia Bla), Bel'>) \\ orth, Bets) Bond,
Claudia Wheless. Third ro'': David Lane, \lice \VilJianl'l, '>us an Godbold, )o) \letcalf, lvonne Eu-
banks, Laura Kennon, Debbie Cason, Bali m der, Chen I Lee. Fourth row: \like Hunter, \like
Tillol\on, \like Davis, \like Connoll), Bo Davis, Dust) \Iiller: AIJen Coleman, Daml) Charles.