Page 109 - chs-1969
P. 109
Club Inspires
TIH' \ rt Club is composed or sltl(klllS illtt'resl( d
ill d('\(•lopi ng (.'r('ati\(· skills. T it(• Jll('llll)('rS or liH'
club Ita\(' IH'l'll \('r\ <ldl\l' in lit(' H:J(j') 19(i9 \('ar.
T hei r activities include se,entl hake saks. educa-
lion,tl f"il·ld trips, and a suc:cl·ssfu l I lomt·coming
fl o;tl.
Tlte \ rl Club lt;ts once again donat(·d a painting
to C. I I .~. Ktch \ l'ar tit(' club lll('llllwrs \\ ork to\\'ard
l'.trJllllg funds to fln,tm'l' suclt proJt·ct<.. T IH• supl'l'-
' isor of"tl}(' club 1s \l r. J Iarold \\'ilder.
Officers, left to right: Teresa Young, ecretary; Astrid
Kuypers, Treasurer; Cary Chellew, Vice-president; Dusty
Miller, President.
Front row, lefi to right: herie Burrow, usan Eadie, Kathy Kalinoski, Lenn Yeatts, Billie pooner, \Vendy Weant,
Joy Metcalf, haron Ballance, Buddy Williams, Paul Smith, Steve Thoma . econd row: Deborah Rhodes, Janis MacDon-
ald, Vicky Burnette, Juddie Lee, Ann McFadden, Denise Bethea, Vera Kalinoski, Sally Ann Cobia, Grayson Cason,
Robin Mikell, fr. Wilder, ponsor. Third row: Margaret Amsden, Cindy Carter, Mary Newsom, Elaine Park, ue
Oaks, Mary Campbell, Rhonda Flowers, Astrid Kuypers, Teresa Young, Jay Witt, Donald Wilson, Cary CheUew. Fourth
row: Caines McFadden, Kent Rodriguez, Jim Christie, Bobby Harden, fike Maso, Joe Chassereau, Dusty Miller,
Jimmy Adkins, David Lockett, Darryl Demille.