Page 109 - chs-1969
P. 109


                                                             Club  Inspires


                                                              TIH'  \ rt  Club  is  composed  or sltl(klllS  illtt'resl( d
                                                             ill  d('\(•lopi ng  (.'r('ati\(·  skills.  T it(•  Jll('llll)('rS  or liH'
                                                            club  Ita\('  IH'l'll  \('r\  <ldl\l'  in  lit('  H:J(j')  19(i9  \('ar.
                                                            T hei r  activities  include  se,entl  hake  saks.  educa-
                                                             lion,tl  f"il·ld  trips,  and  a  suc:cl·ssfu l  I lomt·coming
                                                             fl o;tl.
                                                              Tlte  \ rl  Club  lt;ts  once again  donat(·d  a  painting
                                                             to  C. I I .~.  Ktch \ l'ar tit('  club lll('llllwrs \\ ork to\\'ard
                                                            l'.trJllllg  funds  to  fln,tm'l'  suclt  proJt·ct<..  T IH•  supl'l'-
                                                            '  isor of"tl}(' club 1s  \l r.  J Iarold  \\'ilder.

                                                       Officers,  left  to  right:  Teresa  Young,   ecretary;  Astrid
                                                       Kuypers,  Treasurer;  Cary  Chellew,  Vice-president;  Dusty
                                                       Miller, President.

       Front  row,  lefi  to  right:   herie  Burrow,  usan  Eadie,  Kathy  Kalinoski,  Lenn  Yeatts,  Billie  pooner,  \Vendy  Weant,
       Joy  Metcalf,  haron  Ballance,  Buddy  Williams,  Paul  Smith,  Steve  Thoma .  econd  row:  Deborah  Rhodes,  Janis  MacDon-
       ald,  Vicky  Burnette,  Juddie  Lee,  Ann  McFadden,  Denise  Bethea,  Vera  Kalinoski,  Sally  Ann  Cobia,  Grayson  Cason,
       Robin  Mikell,  fr.  Wilder,   ponsor.  Third  row:  Margaret  Amsden,  Cindy  Carter,  Mary  Newsom,  Elaine  Park,   ue
       Oaks,  Mary  Campbell,  Rhonda  Flowers,  Astrid  Kuypers,  Teresa  Young,  Jay  Witt,  Donald  Wilson,  Cary  CheUew.  Fourth
       row:  Caines  McFadden,  Kent  Rodriguez,  Jim  Christie,  Bobby  Harden,  fike  Maso,  Joe  Chassereau,  Dusty  Miller,
       Jimmy Adkins, David Lockett, Darryl Demille.

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