Page 111 - chs-1969
P. 111
Futures In Medicine Are
Encouraged By Club.
The Para-\Iedi<.:al Club is a <.:lub of voluntarv
servi<.:e to the community hospitals. lk<ptircments
f(>r membership in<.:ludt• being a student in grade
10 - 12 and maintaining an average grade of
The mone~ -making projects fc>r this year have
induded bake sales and a <.:Ookbook sale. Also, the
District Project was chosen to go to the State Con-
Officers, sitting, left to right: ina Peter~on, President;
usan Merkel, Ili~torian-reporter; Debbie Clements, vention dt the end of th" vear.
ecretar}. tanding: Kathy Bishop, Treasurer; Dina Ilull,
ergeant at rm ; strid Ku) pers, Vice-president.
Front rO\\, left to right: Kath) Bi~hop, Debra Harrington. Freda Barret, Debbie Dukes, Linda 0 ' 'teen, Ingrid Zahner,
Jackie O'Steen. Second row: Donna Burr, ue \\oo<J... Penn) Schilipp, Cind} Howard, Linda Varne~, Beverl} Leguire,
h.:n Flanagan, Bnerh Jordan, Kath) Elli\. Third ro": Kath~ h.alino\ki, C~ nthia \ arne\, Bali Snider, Ka> Thomas,
llolh Ste" ;trt, Billie '>t>ooner, ) \()llda ) eatt'>, \largaret Hiver\. h>Urth ro": Sandra Campbell, Donna ·utter, De lore~
Thomas, Stuanne Tornpkim, Linda C.reen, \Ian Jack.,on, Eli.taheth \lorgan, Linda Brannon, \largaret Frampton. Fifth
row: Dina llull, joan Brimon. :\ina Peter'>on, Debbie Clement'>, Loui'>e Ga) lord. i' row: Rand) tkimon, Bobb)
\\ ilco'l., Lee \lcKetuie, Charle\ Bro" n, Don Durden, Stephen Keen, Larr) \lc '-'eil.