Page 110 - chs-1969
P. 110

CI     CE  LUB

         New  Club

         Increases  Enthusiasm

         For  Science.

           The  Scienee  Club  is  an  organization  for  seienee
         enthusiast~. The rt•quirement f(>r  membership in  the
         club is  ,m aH'rage grade in all scienee courses taken
         throughout high school.
           The  club  ha  had  many  programs  and speakers
         from  differ •nt  fields  of science.  ~lonev was  raised
         b~  sellin~  fruit  cakes  to  sponsor  a  trip  to  Cape
           The  eienc'   lub  hopes  to  develop  an  interest
         in scient'<.' for all of its members.
                                                              Officers,  left  to  right:  George  \Vard,  Pre;ident;  Diane
                                                                mers,  Secretary;  Mike  Hill,  Vice-president;  Caines
                                                              :\fcFadden, Treasurer.

               tanding,  left  to  right:  Caines  :\fcFadden,  :\like  Bill,  Pat  Lane,  '\fare  Holland,  George  Ward,  John  Bunn,  Ray
              nedaker.  itting,  left  side,  left  to  right:  Bets;y  \Vorth,  Diane  'omers,  Bali  nider,  Lenn  Yeatts,  right  ·ide,  left
             to  right:  Roger  Creamer,  Wilber  Taylor,  Donald  Wilson,  Allen  Rile),  Jerr;y  Ta}lor,  John  Ominski,  Darryll  De\lille,
             Jimmy  dkins.


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