Page 18 - chs-1969
P. 18

Our principal,  \ Ir.  Fred  Mur-
                                                                    ra;  ;tnd  our  \icc  princip,tl.  \ lr.
                                                                    Jcrn  ~isJ... .  an·  constant!;  stri\
                                                                    in~ lm  Ill\\  and  hdtl'r nwthods
                                                                    f()l· ,ul  imprO\ l'd  curriculum  and
                                                                    <tdrninistration.  These  (\\ o  nwn
                                                                    ha\ l'  contriiHrtl'd   ~n·atl;   in
                                                                    prm iding  each  student  '' ith  a
                                                                    f'l•eling  of  indi' idualit;.  \\'ith
                                                                    l'ach  graduatin~ chlss  ~oes proof'
                                                                    th;tt  tlwir  ell(>rts  h;t\ l'  been  strc
                                                                    Cl'SS f'r d.

                      Principal Mr. Fred  Murray

                                  Vice Principal Mr. Jerry Sisk
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