Page 23 - chs-1969
P. 23

GLORI  FRA  CE  WILLI  \1  -  B .. \  aldosta  tate  College;
                                                     teache\ Engli\h.

                                                 TIJO\tAS  \\ ILLl  \IS  -  B.S.  f<lorida  State   nivcr'>ity;  teache\
                                                 IIA:'I/SON  \\ .  WHIGIIT  -  \l.S.  Florida  A& \I  l  niver,ity;
                                                     teache\ Engli\h.
                                                 OOHIS  ZEOAKEH  -  B.  ·.  Tenne\\ce  State  Vnivcr\ity;  tcache\
                                                     T}ping I and Bookkeeping.

                              EDNA  \  .  KEE   -  Attended  Mather   chool  of   ursing  in
                                   ew Orleans, Louisania.  he is  our  chool  urse.

                                                 ELIZABETH H. WITT- ecretary
                                                J  DY W ALDHO  -   ecretary

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