Page 21 - chs-1969
P. 21

OLA  LEE  \IE  :\S  -  .B.  Valdosta  State  College  and  \l.Ed.
                                                     niversity of Florida; teaches Latin and French.
                                                jl\1 F. \lEL TO  -  .B. Florida  outhern; teacl1e'>  D.C:r.

                                                Cll  RLES  D.  \10"\l\.  -  B.S.  and  \I.Ed.  "\ortlmestern  State
                                                    College of Loui~iana; he  i~ a Guidance C<>umelor.
                                                JA \IES  H.  \10  T(,O\tERY  -  B.A.  Davidson  College;  teache~
                                                     .S.  llistor} and Economics.
                                                GEORGE  ~lORE IIEAD  -    B.A.  Gordon  College;  teaches
                                                ll  ROLD  j.  \IOR(,A"\  -  B.S.   tate  College,  Penn'>ylvania;
                                                   !cache., Driver·., Education.
                                                \lERIBA  IlELE:\  O(.DE'\  -  \l.E.D.  Lniversih  of Florida  and
                                                    Florida  State  Universit);  teaches  \  ocational  (>nice  Education
                                                   and T) pc\Hiting I l.
                                                LINDA  PACE- B.A.  Florida  State  Universit);  teache'>  Bminess
                                                II \RRY  G.  P  RKEH  -  \I.S.E.   labama  Pol) technic  ln.,titule;
                                                   teaches Physics, \lodern Physical  cience and Electronics.

                                                AN  IE  P  H:\ELL  -  \I.  .E.  Florida  A&\1  tTniversity;  teaches
                                                   Librar)  Science.
                                                \1  RY  FRA.  CES  PHILLIP  -B .. Livingston  "tate  Lniversit};
                                                   teaches Biolog).

                                                LINDA  POPLl      B.l\I.E.  Florida   tate   niversit);  teaches
                                                   :'\tixed  Choruses,  General  \lusic  and  Girls'  and  Boys'  Cho-
                                                   ru  es.

                                                              I have a feeling something is going on behind m}  bad..

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