Page 19 - chs-1969
P. 19

ROY  B.  ADKI   -  B  . and  M.A.,  Middle  Tennessee  tate  Uni-
                                                     versity; teache  General Biology and Human Physiology.
                                                   DEA:\'  R  'OLD- B.  .,  Universit)  of  labama; teaches Business
                                                   HOWARD  L.   U  TI:\'  -  B.  .,  Alabama  tate  College;  teaches
                                                   FRA:\'  E  II.  BLAY- B .. . ,  Georgia  'tate  ollege  for  Women;
                                                      teaches English.
                                                   LELA,  D   .  BRADDO  K -  M .. E.,  Arkansas  State   niver  ity;
                                                      teaches American vs  Communism and \Vorld History.
                                                    LBERT  R.  BOVIE- B.S.  and  :\I.Ed.,  Florida  A.&\1.  L' ni~ersi­
                                                      t); teaches  \merican vs  Communism and\\ orld llistorv.
                                                   JA:\IES  E.  BHEE:\'- B.S.,  Salem  College  and  :\I.A .•  \\est  \  ir-
                                                      ginia; teaches Band and General  \lusic.
                                                   H  GH F.  H   TEE.·, JR.- Teaches Electro-:\lechanics.

                                                   ~IARGARET W.  COLLI:'\  -  B .. ,  Georgia  outhern;  teaches
                                                      Psychology and  ociolog>.
                                                   ANNE  DEKLE -  B.A.E.,  Universit)  of Florida;  teaches Journal-
                                                      ism,  English  Literature  and  Advanced  English  and  Compo-

                                                   JOHN  E.  EWING -  B.S.,   niversity  of  outh  Carolina;  teaches
                                                     Physical Education.
                                                   PETER  FRE  •  EDA  -  B.A.E.,  Universit)  of  Florida;  teaches

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