Page 168 - chs-1975
P. 168
l! After a hard day of academic work the 1974-
75 Beta Cl1ib "take it easy" under the shade of
an old oak tree. 21 Beta sponsor, Mrs. Wanda
Gause stresses to membe1·s Mike Granger,
Terry Cullison and Darryl Richards, the
ideals of honest.y, se1·vice and leadership as a
Beta member. 3/ Head of the group can be a
lonely job as President Yolis Benefield sits
idle on her trash can planning the next
project. 41 The Christmas party for under- tant role is pla.yed by the all girl branch of
164 Beta Club privileged children is a climax to the work Beta officers Secretary Cherie Dicks, Trea-
being done for weeks before and it prove~ well surer Sherry Moss, Vice Preside11t Beth Bray
worth it when the smiles come out on the faces and President Yolis Benefield who would
both childre and students. 51 An never think of lying down on the job.