Page 169 - chs-1975
P. 169
The third largest club in the school
combines brains, character, and
leadership to become one of the most
outstanding and dedicated groups at
CHS. Beta added a new perspective
to the a'ltnual powderpuff game with
the addition of powderpuff queen
being won by Hugh Washington as
the first and probably last. The
money raised was used to purchase
Christmas toys for underprivileged
children. Members experienced a
feeling of sharing with others in the
party given for the children. Other
activities included the Miss CHS
Pageant, Beta Bowl, and the State
Convent·ion in Daytona Beach. To be-
come a member of Beta Club, a 3.3 av-
erage is required. The purpose ofthis
club is to promote the ideals honesty,
service and leadership among the
high school students of America, to
reward meritorious achievement,
and to encourage and assist students
in furthering their education. Grad-
uating seniors are honored by wear-
ing gold stoles.
This year's brains are Priscila Anderson,
Teri Austin, Jennifer Barnes, Yolis Ben-
efield, Joann Boggs, Pam Boone, Beat~ B1mm,
Beth Bray, Leah Burnette, Teresa Can;er,
Terry Cullison, Cherie Dicks, Nancy Green,
Kay Hines, Becky Hudson, Debrose Hunter·,
Bobbie Jones, Cindy Jones, Michele Montpetit,
Sheny Moss, Sandra Oaks, Annette Owens,
Gayle Parker, Tina Reese, Anita Weaver and
Karen Wise. New membe·rs initiated into the
clt~b include Pam Anclenon, Lougene Black-
well, Patt-i Broshar, Mark Brown, Jeny B?y-
ant, Mark Bt~rlingame, Susan Capell, Seem
Carson, Penny Carter, Mm·k Clark, Suzy
Cowen, Sheryl Crews, Linda Danielson, Doug
Fraser, Lelyn Gansel, Mike Granger, Patti
Hanna, Sue Hansen, Micki Hw~ter·, Jl!lichelle
Joyner·, Donald Johns, John Jopling, Kathy
Koon, Gail Lee, Do1~g Lower'Y, Wendell Lynch,
Claude Mathews, Mike Milliki n, Danny
Ominski, Clinton Petty, Cindy Price, Bryan
Richards, Dan·yl Richards, Elizabeth Riley,
Teresa Rodgers, Al Roof, Jenny Saw~der·s,
Hemy Sconyers, Darla Silvey, David Snow-
den, Debbie Staffor·d, Scott Ter-rell, Phyllis
Thomas, Edward Thompson, Jimmy Thomp-
son, Jeanne Trammel, Debr·a Tr·ehen~, Patty
Walker-, Marc·ia Wan·en, Patti Wilson, and
Donna Faye Wintons.