Page 171 - chs-1975
P. 171
Integration, what's that? Blacks ver-
sus whites? With the help of the Ad-
visory Council, tensions of the past
flare rarely, if ever. Blacks and
whites now work together in more
ways t}J,an one. The Advisory Council
is designed to work out problems
brought before it and to serve as an
outlet for expressing protests. No
problem is too big to work out for the
Advisory Council members. They
are: Cynthia Anderson, Priscilla
Anderson, Patricia Barrington,
Vicky Berry, Becky Blewett, Joann
Boggs, Aldridge Bradley, Oni
Brown, Leah Burnette, Gary Fair-
cloth, Clara Hair, Wahconda
Hunter,- Michelle Joyner, Bessie Kel-
sey, Vickie Mansfield, Lucinda
Mickler, Sandra Oaks, Pam Price,
Susie Rountree, Mary Ann Skinner,
Haygood Summers, Janet Summers,
Barbara Williams, Lamar Wil-
liams, Donna Faye Wintons, and
Rhonda Wright.
41 Checking to see if a J~tture council rnernber
has rnet the strict req~tinrnents are sponsors
Mr. Leland Braddock and MTs. Bettye Lane. 51
Standing by j01· action is the Advisory Co~mcil.
Advisory Council 167