Page 172 - chs-1975
P. 172
Who has an A or B on every semester
average during high school? ...
people do? Who can keep it up? Who
knows? This inspiration could be a
factor every time a member is
tempted to not do his homework. To
become and continue to remain as a
member of National Honor Society is
truly an honor. Seniors of this club
are honored by wearing a red tassle
at commencement exercises. Yearly
activities are only 2: a road block to
collect money for the Muscular Dys-
trophy cause and an induction cere-
mony for the new members which
was held this year at the home of
member Sean Carson. This honorary
club serves mainly to reward stu-
dents who excel. Honorary Seniors
are Priscilla Anderson, Sherry
Barker, Yolis Benefield, Kenneth
Blackwell, Lougene Blackwell, Pam
Boone, Beau Braun, Leah Burnette,
Laura Christie, Terry Cullison,
Cherie Dicks, Mike Granger, Nancy
Green, Debrose Hunter, Bobbie Jones,
Cindy Jones, and Anita Weaver.
Honorary Juniors include Pam An-
derson, Pattie Broshar, Regina
Brown, Jerry Bryant, Kathy Bull-
ock, Mark Burlingame, Susan Ca-
pell, Sean Carson, Mark Clark,
Debra Cowen, Robert Coxe, Eric
Dukes, Cynthia Evans, Doug Fraser,
Susan Hansen, Barry Henry, Mich-
elle Joyner, Doug Lowery, Claude
Mathews, Deborah Montpetit, Cindy
Morrow, Sue Norris, Danny
Ominski, Alma Raulerson, Ben-
jamin Read, Teresa Rodgers, Henry
Sconyers, Sharon Short, Dian Taylor,
Scott Terrell, Debra Trehern, Lamar
Williams, Patti Wilson, Carolyn
Woodworth, Paul Yancy and Susan
168 National Honor Society