Page 131 - chs-1977
P. 131
Casts A Forward Psychology, U.S. History, Bible
Study, Geography and Economics
Glance to are only a few of the many history
courses offered this year to Juniors
Year 2,000 and Seniors. In these varying
courses past, present and future are -
studied. They also help the students
to be aware of the society in which
$tudents live. The faces that shape
the future, and the impact of the
Presidential election are focus fea-
tures studied in class . With the
Bicentennial fast fading in the past,
the emphasis shifts to the impact of
Mass Media on shaping present his-
tory. Millions of people were spec-
tators of televized Presidential de-
bates. Among the viewers were
C.H.S. students who saw a new Pres-
ident usher into a new era of history
for students to conquer.
Sophomore and Freshmen history
classes are certainly not to be left
behind. World History and Civics are
not only interesting but they give the
students the firm background they
need as they begin their adventure
into the World of History.
The department heads for Social
Studies are, Mr. Bouie, South, and
Miss Muldrow points out Lake City on the globe.
Mr. Bankston, North.
Mr. Montgomery closes his eyes for a moment to shut out the history class around him.
Social Studies I 127