Page 134 - chs-1977
P. 134

Art, Music, Lanquaqe, And Library

                            Mr. Hentzelman director of C.H.S.      Mrs.  Carswell, the Health  Service
                          Band and  Mr. Choice, department       Aid  teacher, helps prepare the
                          head- South  Campus chorus             nurses of the future by teaching
                          director help to add  a little bit of   them  the needed  skills in  this field.
                          music to C.H.S.  student body. The       Art classes  are taught by  Mr.
                          band  performs at football  games,     Owens and  Mrs. Beilling . These
                          and each make special performance      classes give the artistically inclined
                          appearances throughout the year.       students a chance to show their
                            Spanish and  French, the two         talent,  and  interested  students a
                          foreign  languages offered  this year   chance to  learn different art
                          are taught by  Mrs. Barker and  Mrs.   techniques.
                          Anderson. The foreign  language          The library is  a place of solitude"
                          classes allowed students the chance    where students can  go to widen
                          to study the culture of different      their origins. Mrs.  McDuffie,  Mrs.
                          countries and  to appreciate the       Gall  and  Mrs.  Parnell  (Department
                          advantages of knowing  other           Head-North  Campus)  all  help
                          languages. Also  these  classes have   students to appreciate the value of a
                          the opportunity to take trips to these   good  library.
                          foreign  countries.
                                                                                                           Mrs. Anita Anderson

                    Mrs. Mary Barker                                                                      Mrs. Candace Beilling

                  Mrs.  Patricia Carswell                                                                  Mr.  Norman  Choice



                    Mrs.  Connie Gall   Mr.  Steve Hentzel man   Mrs. Judy McDuffie   Mr.  Danny Owens      Mrs. Annie Parnell

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