Page 205 - chs-1977
P. 205

Tiqers Fail to Jail Jackson

                                                  The  name  of the game was  " De-    yards for the first Tiger touchdown.
                                                fense" .  Defensive  end,  Roger  Mor-  Pau I  Johnson  booted  the  conver-
                                                ris,  intercepted  on  Sandalwood's    sion,  tying  it 7-7.  The  defense  held
                                                first possession and ran 40 yards for   Jackson  on  the  1  yardline  for  four
                                                the Tigers  first touchdown .  Late  in   consecutive  plays. The  Tigers took
                                                the  first  quarter Tim  Hester  recov-  over at their one yardline but failed
                                                ered  a  fumble  on  the  Saints  31   to get a first down. On  a punt Rick
                                                yardline.  Soon  thereafter  junior    Knoebel was sacked in the Tiger end
                                                fullback, Tommy Young sped  in for     zone,  uping the score 7-9.
                                                the second Tiger score.                  With  2:42  left  in  the  game,  Tiger
                                                  There were several injuries during   Rocky DePratter scored on a 19 yard
                                                the game including starting corner-    toss from  Kenny Owens.  The game
                                                back,  Gary  Williams,  suffering  a   seemed to be over as the Tigers were
                                                cracked sternum. Kelly Lowrey also     in  the  lead  14-9  but Jackson  came
                                                badly bruised  his knee.               back to  the  surprise  of  the Tigers,
                                                  Against  Jackson  the  Tigers        scoring  late in the fourth  quarter.
                                                clawed  their  way  back through  the    Rudolph  Davis  had  two  passes
                                                whole game but it all  came down to    thrown to him that were just inches
                                                inches  of  winning  in  the  end . This   out of reach. The Tigers managed to
                                                being  their  first  defeat,  the  Tigers   complete 2 passes, the first comple-
                                                still have a perfect 3-0 mark in their   tions  this  year. The Tigers  won  on
                                                district.                              the statistics, but Jackson came out
                                                  Jackson scored the first time they   on  top on  the score boards,  14-16.
                                                had the ball, but the score remained
                                                0-7  until  after  the  half.  Late  in  the   5. Owens puts the offense into gear. 6.  Owens
                                                third quarter, Tommy Young ran  27     on  the " keeper. "

                                                                                                          Jackson 14-16 I 201
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