Page 120 - chs-1981
P. 120

Miss  C.H.S.

            \pnl  I  \\as  the  time  for  the  selection  of  'vl1ss
          (  H  '  19  0- I. Th1s }Car there were ten partic1patmg
          girls  v;•ng  for  the  crO\\n.
            Before the contest each girl was required to \Hite an
          e\sa;  and  \\as  aL o  evaluated  b)  her  teachers.  E::.ach
          contestant  \\a'>  judged  on  po1se  and  appearance  in
          sports and  evenmg  wear   he- \~as also judged on  her
          performance in  the talent contest and her spontaneous
          response  to  a  question  a  ked  b}  the  emcee
            The  offic1dls  made  the1r  choices  and  Lass1e  Ozaki
          \\as cro\~ ned  '\1Iss C H   of 19  0- I.  Fir  t runner-up,
          Chery I  '\1cDonald,  second  runner-up,  Bett}  Douglas:
          th1rd  runner-up, Crystal Coody: and fourth  runner-up,
          Regma  Yandle.

          Pies I  and 2,  Miss C H S  Lasste Ozaki Pic 3,  Five finaltsts  Regina
          }andle. Cher.ll /'.fcDona/d  BeliJ  Douglas,  Lassie Ozaki. and Crr-
          Hal  Coody                                  -

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