Page 124 - chs-1981
P. 124
Homecoming Court
Time dre\\ near for the crow n1ng of the 19 0- I Homecom-
ing Queen as the homecoming court was escorted onto the field
Lit halftime \fter the nommees had been narrowed down to
three girls b) the en1or cia sand secret ballots had been cast by
the Tiger football team. the cro\\O \\as placed on 'v1e1Inda 'v1ar-
Pte 1- 1979- 0 queen Ann Giebeig and escort Tom Cissel
Pic 2 The cro-..ning of the ne» Humecormng Queen
Pic 3- /9 0- I Queen Melinda Martin and escort Mike Beardsley