Page 122 - chs-1981
P. 122
Star Student
Tricia he~ \\as chosen to be tar
tudcnt of Columbia High chool
for the 19 0- I school year Tncia
has been in\'Ohcd m various stu-
dent activities throughout her high
school )Cars Tric1a 1s nO\\ sening
as 'tudent Council Pres1dent after
h:.n 1 ng been \ 1cc- Pres1dent her
-,ophomorc and JUniOr years he
holds the 111 po ition on the g1rl ·
tenn1s team for both smgles and
double 'he 1 nO\\ part1c1pat1ng
n Beta Club. \1u \lpha Theta,
Llllonal Honor oc1ety. and In-
teract Club ongratulation , Tri-
LiLI. for being a\\arded for your
outstand1ng achievemen•s and