Page 123 - chs-1981
P. 123

Star  Teacher

                                                                                                \1r.  Jame~ Montgomery  \\as
                                                                                               elected  by  Tricia  a~  tar
                                                                                              Teacher for  the  19  Q-g I ~chool
                                                                                              year.  "\1r.  \1ont," as  he  i~ af-
                                                                                              fectionately  referred  to  by  his
                                                                                              ... tudent'>,  teachc-.   dvanced
                                                                                              \mcrican  Hi~tories  I  and  I I.
                                                                                              economic~. and  both  Old  and
                                                                                                e\\  Testament  Bible  classes.
                                                                                              The  per..,onal  interest  that  he
                                                                                              has  in  h1s  students  has  made
                                                                                              \1 r.  :\.1ont one of the most popu-
                                                                                                r  teachers at  Columbia  High
                                                                                               Lr hll. \\eat the school should
                                                                                              L  >nsidcr  ourseh es  very  fortu-
                                                                                              nate to  ha\e a teacher like  \1r.
                                                                                              \1ontgomery  on  our  faculty.

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