Page 256 - chs-1984
P. 256

\\ ho ·  \\ ho  12.                     12;   horus  II:  (·n. cmblc  12.       Conference  Basketball  II.  12:   tudcnt
                                                                                           ouncil  12:  Senior   lass  I iai  on  Officer
           u. an  \1.  Ferau,on                  \fHrk  D~~<IJne  Glo~cr
         (  10ru   II;  ~ Ia   Trca  urcr  10:  .IV                                      12:   I  y- \dH  or    ommattcc
           hccrlcadcr  C1 pt,l in  I 0:  \a r  t \  C..  ccr-  Rich Jrd  Gordan  Goble   llomecomin'  ACtl\ltics  12;  \\ ho'
         lcadcr  II,  12.  Co- aptain  I., .. tudcnt   I-TA  10.  II.  12.               12.
         Council  \icc-pre  idcnt  II,  Pre  1dcnt  12;   Brenda  Ilene  Godbold         Rodnc1  Car~Hell llarri'
         Homecoming ,\ctn 1t1c   0.  I I.  I.,.  I rcnch   JV   hecrlcader  I O:  I rcnch   lub  I 0,  11.   f FA  i I,  I 2;   I  \  I I.  Pre  idcnt  12
           lub  10:  Prom   cncr  10.   tudcnt   12
         Government  Da\  II.  2.  Tcnni.  Tc,  1 10,                                     '>'irginia  Loui'e  llarri'
          II.  12.  1..hool  \d\i on   ommittcc  12·   katherine  Diane  Good~·ine       Homecoming Activities  10,  12;  horu  10,
         :\1i.  CH    .  \\ho\  \\ho  12:  Publica~   Band  10.  II:  DECA  12:  FHA  10;   II,  12;  I·nsemble  II, 12;  llorada  \II- t ltc
         tion  II                                Homecoming  Activities  I 0.  II.  12.   12.
         Joseph  \1.  Field                      TaHana  Latrice  Gordon                  H'nrren  Timnn  1/arri.\
                                                  pirit  lub  10:  HO ·  12:  Porn  Pon  (,irb   FFA  12   .
          L~nn Patrice  Flemina                  12
           tudent  ouncil  Rcp;c  cntativc  II:  FH,\                                     Regina  C.  llt~rri,on
           .  \I  A  12.                         Oti.,  I ee  Graham                     fBIA  10.  II,  12;  Tre  ~urcr  12:  Inter  t
          4/onzo  Flo~~er                        Basketball  I 0.  12.                    12  french   lub  II.  12;   HAO  10,  12;
                                                                                           tudcnt  Council  Rcpre-.cnt, tive  I 0,  II,
           hemin  Earl  Foreman                  Karen  \fichele  Gr;n·e,                 l"l  Homecoming  Court  12;  lntr.1mural
         French   lub  II.  12:  JV  Basketball  I 0:   Art   lub  10.  ::1encc   lub  10.   panish   ouncil  I I.  12.
         Band  I I,  12:  Perfect   ttcndancc  I 0.  I I.   lub  President  12:  Tcnn   10.  II  12·
         \  IC   12.                             Homecoming    ctivitics  I 0.  II.  12.   Oti'  Hendon
                                                                                         DF  A  12.
         Andrea  Da ~~n  Foster                  Albert   Ia~  Green
         Mixed    horu   10,  II.  12:  \'o~.:a   oo   VI  A  12 .•                       Rob  rt  1/enn
         Fe  tival  II,  12:  Vocal  Ensemble  2                                         J\  f  tball  '10:  \ ar  it\  f   tball  II.  12.
                                                 Jamie  Greene                           Track  10.  II;  VI  \  i2.
         Harold  A.  Fo  ter
                                                   wthia  Gade  Griner                   Regina  Jo~  I h:mfe~
         Jo  e  L.  Fuerte.~                     A'rt   lub  10:  Homecoming  Activitie  12.   f'BI,\  12:   •
         Art  Club  10.  II,  \II  A  I.
                                                 D;n·id  Ghnn  Guern                     Dale  We.,fel  Jlerme ... man
         Ja ... on  Br  1k  Fulker on            .IV  Football  10.  ·vi  a  10,  II,  12;   VI  \  II.  i2.
           HAO     0:  French  lub  10.  II:  FBI   Homecoming  Actt\ tt1e  I 0.  II.  12.
         12: Choru  II.  12:  Vocal  (· nscmblc  11.  12.                                Charlie  I eH;.,  1/e.,tcr
                                                 Pamela  Ka1  Hadfe1                     VI  A  II,  12.
         George  Allen  Futch                    JV   hecrlcadcr  I 0:·  rcnch   lub  I 0   I,
         VI     12.  Parliamentarian  12.        12:  French   omention  I I:   H \0   0:   Troor  f'arl
                                                 \1i    H   Third  Runner-up  10.   C\\·   1\.e\   lubiO,II:frenchCiub  O,ll;\1u
         Andrea  \1cole  Gafford                                                          \lph1  Theta  10   11   ~~..  ctan:  II;
         French Club  I 0,  I I,  12:  H  0   0:  Beta   spa per   taff  II:  hiitor  Columb1an   2;   H\0  10,1   CLretan   fen~a~IO:
           lub  12.  Drama   lub  10:  I ntcract  12:   Mat  G1rl  II.  Homecoming  A<.:tl\lt  e  10,   \\ret  ng  12.  C  11puter  Club  10.  12.
         Girl  '  ·tate   ominee  II,  L.e   ongre  de   II.  12.  \\ ho\  Who  Among  \merican   \  1cc-pre  idcnt  P   I nter.1ct  II.  12:  Bet
         Ia  Culture  F rancaise  en  llond,  11,  12.   High  chool  tudcnt  .          C..  ub  I 2;  F I\   0,  II
         \  ce  of  Democracy   on test  I 0,  11.  12:   Bill  \1cLaunne  Hall
           tudent  Council  Representative  12:    omputcr   lub  I 0:  JV  Basketball  I 0:   \[!(:helle  } rette  Ifill
         H )mecoming  Acti\  t e   ),  II,  12:  Bat   ar  it}  Bas  ctball  12.         FBI A  10,  II;  I HA  II,  12.  President  12;
         Girl  II:  \1bs    H     onte  t  Fir  t                                        Choru  I 0,  I I.  12:  Homccomtn
         runner-up  II.                          Jon   harb  Hall                        Intramural  Prc~adent  12:  I lag
                                                  c1cnce  lub  I 0.  12:  French  lub  II.  12:   12:  Beg  nntng  Band  12;,\d\i on  omrnit-
          I oui.5  lame  Gainer                  French Competition  II.  12,  hoir  D 1..1   tcc  I   ·tudcnt  Counc1l  Rep~csent,lthc
                                                 and  tate  ompctition  II.  12;  ho  r   I 0.  A tcrn,lte  I I.
          Bernard  George
         Ba-.ketball  12.                          ompct1tion  I 2.                      And_1  Ronald  llirJ.o
                                                 A./Ji.,on  \1oore  Hammom
          \fark  R.  George                                                              Donna  I OUJ'>t'  /lodge.,
                                                 I ntcract  lub  II, 12.  President  12:  I rench
         Homccom1ng  Activities  I 0.  II.  12:                                          FH \  12.
           H  0     .  12:  Interact  I I.  12·  F rcnl..h   lub  10.  II  12:  Homecoming  \cti\ t 1..
           lub  0.  I.  Tcnni  10.  II.  12:  fJ\   2:   I 0.  II,  12.  tudcnt  ouncil  II:   II \0   d~e,ter llollie
         Boys'  ·tate   omtnec  II.              10;  Bat  G rl  10,  II.  12:  \1b-.  C H   OCT  II.  12.
                                                   ontestant  I I.
          Kell~  Coleen  Gerberich                                                        colt  llollingworth
         Po""derpuff  F>otball  10;  DEC\  II.  12   Glenn  Ed~~ard 1/iJncoc/..          F f  \  II.  12:  VI  \  12.
                                                 Daniel  E.  Hannon                      I ori  Angela  Holton
         James  CurtJs  G1ebeig
                                                   I  A  12.                               horu-.  I 0.  II.  12:  f· n~emblc  I I.  12.
          V.-'Jihe  G1fbert                                                              f"B I  \  I 0.  I I.  12,  Secrctnn  I 0.  II.
                                                 Peter  J.  Harden
         Amanda  \lfontine  Glenn                                                        Pre  1dcnt  12;  \1 u  ,\lph,l  T hcta  1 1:  Beta
         JV  Cheerleader  10.    o-captain  10.   \fark  Robert  Harkleroild             I I,  12,   1cc-pre~ident  12:  I ntcr,lct  12,
         Varsit:.  Cheerleader  II,  12:  Mbs   H~   Computer   lub  10.  II,  12:   I  A  12;   Homecoming  \cti\Jtic-.  II.  12:  Student
           ontestant  econd  Runner-up  I 0.  Th1rd   hcrifr-.  I ~  plorcr  II,  12:  Perfect  Atten-  (  JUncal   II,  12,  I 1,  i~on  Off1ccr  II.
         Runner-up  II.  \  ho'  \\ ho  12.  Thespians   dance  II  :.c,tr  .            '::ieLrettlf\  12:  Bet,l   I u b  D1  trad  I rca-
                                                                                          urcr  I i
          10   tudent  Government  Da\  12:  Class   Deidra  K.  Harrington
         Trca  urer  12:  Homecoming  'ctivitie  II.   Band  10.  II.  12;  Ba-.  etball  10,  II. 12; All   1\ llnberl_~  //orne
   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261