Page 259 - chs-1984
P. 259

10.  Po\\derpuff  I o  tball  10         ;nthia  J.  Robert                       omputer    warene     lub  10,  II,
                                            Art   lub  II,  12;  HO  A  12.           H  OS  I 0,  12,  'ergeant-at- rm  12,
    (!Jme  e  S  huana  Pre  Je~                                                    Ke)   lub  10,  II,  12,   1ce-pre  ident  12,
    B·nd  10,  II;  Choru  l2;   11\0S  IO·   1\.e~in  S.  Rodrique/                Homecoming  ctivitie  10,  II, 12;  rench
    Inter  ct  12;  f Bl A  II,  12;  Homec  ming   fBI   10;  HO'   II;  fH  /Hero  12;   lub  II, 12,  ecretar)  12;  Interact  I 0,  II;
    A  tivitlc  12;  College  Day  II  te   12;   Homecoming  Act I\ itie  10,  II,  12;  T rae   a tiona I  Honor  ociety  I 0.
    ,\lternate  tudent  ouncil  Rcprc  cntat1ve   10;  D  T  10.
    II                                                                                urti.~  taple
                                            Wandu  S.  Rvgen
                                                                                         ootball  10;  ar ity  ootball  II.  12.
    Ro a  \.f,JC  Pnngle                                                            J  Basketball  I 0;  \ ar lly  B   ctball  11,
    I lag   orp  10,  II;  FHA  10,  II;  Spirit   Jo,h  R.  Ro                     Ba  eball  10,  II,  12.
    Club  I  0;  Ba  ctb,dl  12,  Porn  P  n(,Irl  12;   I H   12.
    HO  A  12;  f BL   12;  Band  12.       Wilbur  A.  Rowe                        John  ~  ende/1  eaten
                                            f fA  10,  11,  12;   I  A  12;  Ke)   lub  12   'tudent   ouncil  Repre  entative  10,  11'
    Pamdtl  D:nw  Pun j,                                                            12:  H  A  10,  II;  Homecomin   cti  iue
    Band  I 0,  II.  12,  'ecretary  II, 12;  horu   ind~  J.  Ru~.~e/1             I  0,  II;  J   football  I 0;  arsuy  Football
    II;Mis~  H'  ontetantll;french  lub     Hom-ecoming    cth itie   I 0,  II,  12:   12;   I   11:  Ke)   lub  II.
    10;  Beta  lub  12;  )mphon1c Band  10,  II,   Public  t'   taff  11,  12;  Art   tub  12.
    12.                                                                             Pari.~   nto   te~~ard
                                            Vid..i  [   .1  7er                     J   Football  10;  Ba  eball  II,  Trac  10.
    Richard  lame  Rachal                   H    A  I?  C horu  12.                 Homecoming  1\.ctivitie  II,  12.
    JR  T  10,11,12;Dri11Team10,11,12,      Retonia  }..   . nden
     ommander  II,  12;   H,   ·  10;   m-   ar  it\  B.   tball  10,  11,  12.  o-captain   Penm  I  ~nn   t  ,,
    puter   \\arene•.s   lub  II,  12;  Gifh:d   12;  f BL   I 0;  Homecoming  Activitic~ 10;   french  ·lub  I  Homecoming  Acll\Hic
    Program  I  0,  II,  12;  oicc  of Dcmocra  \   Track  II:  f H '\  12.         10.  II,  12.
    Conte  t  I I;  H   1..  ming  A  ti  iuc  10,
                                                                                      a~~andra  L. ~ nettt  t  '~
    II;  lntramur   P'  t  10.  II.         I arrJ  Dar.~   argent                  Band  10,  II;.Pom  P·  n Girl  12:  FH   10;
                                              rt   lub  10  Homecoming  Activitie  10,
    f"dHard  Alan  Raulenon                 II,  12:  Homecoming  Court  · ~cort  12;   Homecow  P   Acti~ itie  I 0;  f BLA  12.
    Homecoming  Activitie  10,  II;  f rcn~.:h   I  a  II·   C)   tub  12.
     lub  II.  12:  D.  E·.  12.                                                    RandJ
                                              herJI  c  ntlan                       Ale\andt:r   tucke~
    JefferJ  T.  Rauler.~vn
                                              irgil  E.   cippio                    French     ub  I L  12:   HAO      2:
    I ;,a  RaJmond                                                                  Homec         Acti\ itie   I 0,    2:
                                            J   Football  10;  Var  it\  ootball  11,  12;   Alternate  tudent Council  Rcprc  entati\e
    Deborah  L.  Reed                       Track  II·  B'l  eball  12:
                                                                                    I.,  French   ompeution  II;  Intramural
    Donald  Terrance  Reed                  Aubre~  D   cott                         P'  t  II   1  2:  Art   lub  12.
                                            JV  Footb<..   0,   ar~it\  Football  II,  12;
    TrOJ  H.  Reg ~ter                      B  seball  1 0   1 1;  f·HA.I2.         Paul  L
      I   I 0,  II   ecrctar)  II;  f fA  II,  12.                                  Lori  A  Tanner
    Vice-pre  ident  12  Homecoming Activitie   Kenn~ J   cott                      Homecoming  Actn itie  12:  FBLA  12.
    I  0,  II,  12;  Po\\derpuff  hccrleadcr  I 0.   VI  ,(  0   12.
                                                                                    Bruno  Tardiff
    Tra~·i!>  B.  Rehberg                   l au rise   heppard
                                             tudent   :~unci I  Representative  I 0,  II;   Jell  B.  Tatum
      !lhaniel  D.  Rent/                   DLC    II,  '2,  \\eetheart  12.          FA  12:  D   A  12.
    ROTC  10,  II, 12;J  FootbaiiiO;  ar  it)
    Football  II  12;   I  A  12.             Jnthia  Jean   h1pp                     orinthia  P.  Tador
                                            DE~  A  II,  12.  FBL   10.               BLA  10.  I i,  12;  The  pians  10:
      onda  K  Rentz                                                                Homecoming  Acti\ iue  I 0.  12:  Trac  11.
                                            James   ngleton
    Paul  D.  Rc;~d                                                                 Linda  \f.  Tador
      I    II,  12;  FF   12.               Jane  mg1eton                           FH  \  I 0.  12:  HO  \  12:  Homecoming
                                            FBl  \  10  D  C\  12.
    lame~ Ronald  Re~d'                                                             Acti\ iue  12.
      I  A  II,  12  Reporter  12.          lame  \fichael   strunk                  Valerie  Y~ette  Tern

    \1Jchelle  l  RJcciarde/li              C ~ nthia  K.   mlln                    FHA  12:  HO  \  1i.
     tudent  Council  Repre  entative  I 0,  II,   tudent  ouncil  Repre  entative  I 0,  F H   Barn  D.  Thoma.\
    I.,  H   \  12,  Vice-pre. ident  12;  \rt   II. Pre. ident  II: French  lub  I  .  p<  h   Wre.tling  10,  II.
     lub  II,  12.  Homecoming  \ct \ itie~  I 0,   lub  12:  FBL   12.
    II,  12;  French   lub  II.  ecretar)  II;   herne  mllh                         De\ter  Gene  Thoma.\
    \\ho'   \  ho  12;  \1at  G r  10;  f f  \   L  ball  I   12:  \rt  lub  11.    Var  it)  Ba  ketball  11.
     \\eetheart  II;   horu  II;  Interact  II:
    Volunteer  pecial  Ol)mpic~ 12;  PO\\der-  n. wiam  AnthOnJ   m  th             J  I  Elizabeth  Thoma
                                                                                      o tball  I 0,  12.  Homecoming  Acti\ itie~
    puff  Football  10;  Homecoming  Activitic
    10.                                      Yolanda  Dem  e  m  th                  I  ,  12.
                                            Band  10,  II,  12;  oftball  10,  II, 12:  FHA
                                                                                     \annette  L.  Tillman
    Hugh  £.  Richardson                     I.,,   tudent   ounctl  Repre  cntative  12:   F ag  Corp   0.   I,  12.   o-captam  11.
    Ff   I 0,  II,  12,  ·en tine!  12,  Jan  Band   Teacher  '   tde  II,  12.       aptatn  12,   pmt   lub  I 0:  Band  11:
    II; ~arching Band  10,  II,\ I  12;  f BLA                                        AH  Hero  12,  Parliamentartan  12:
    I 0;  Homecoming   ctivltic  II,  12.               pradle.~
                                                      II,  12                        Homecoming  Acti\ itie  I I.
    \lark  L  Rine                                                                   La~abra  Bmnete  Tomlin
    Jan  Band  I 0,  12.                      teven  Kent  taffvrd
                                             'tudent   ouncll  Repre  entative  10,  II,   FH   12,  \ICe-pre  1dent of  Re  reation  12:
      raig  A.  Robart!>                     12,  Homecoming  Activitie  I 0,  I I,  12:   Pep  Club  I 0,  Art   ub  12

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