Page 260 - chs-1984
P. 260
R 1 c n Tomlin hairper on 12: Art lub II, 12, I I. I 2: ar~it) hecrlcader I I. I 2,
Ho 1~coming di\ illc 12 President 12. Mi ~ liS Conte~t II; apt in I 2; Junior Ia s I i 1 on Officer;
olumbian f·eature l·ditor 12. Student (,o\ ernmcnt Da II, 12, h ru
Kenneth H. Tvnc:r
\\'re. tlin 10, 11. 12: Beta lub 12: T_~ronda Regin We,ton II, 12; Student ouncJI Parham nt nan
Homecomin \cti\itlc 10, I I, 12: \tu f"HA I 0, II. 12, Vice-pre 1dent of \\ ork 12; Student ,overnment [ ) II, 12,
Alpha Thct,l 10, II. 12: C mputcr lub 12: HO"r\ 12: Prom :cncr 10. hairman I ield D.1 ommlltee 12
I, 12, Pre.idcnt 12: french lub 10. II: Tom William'
tudent Coun\:il Rcpre-.cntatJvc 10, I I. 'l.ngc/a \ferritt H'heeler Truck 1 o.
u. <In l ~ nn Wheeler
Ride; D. TroHd/ Rulph ~Villi.,
Var it\ Track 10. 11: \ ... r t\ Football I I, J\ hecrleader I 0: Varsity heerleader
., , Beta I u b I I. I .., tonal Honor I I. Homecoming Act I\ Hie.., 0 II, 12; ~'irl~ n Beman ~Villi' Ill
oc et 10: f"ren~.:h ( lub 0 :Computer :\i1ss CH Contestant II; H \ 12: Bl· F rcnch tub 10. II. 12, Trc, urer 11, 12;
Club 12: HAO ). 12. udent ouncil 11, ecrclH) 12; FBLA 12 Inter ct 10, II 12 Hio.,torian 12; H \0 ·
Repre entat\e I 0 I I. I aurcn /<.a~ Vlhitle~· I 0, I I. 12; I J \ I , 12; tate F ren\:h
CH 0 10, II, JJ. fficer-at-large 12; omention II 12
Frankie Jean \e mnette Turner
FHA 12. f J \ 10. II, 12. ttOnul Honor o~o Ct\ Patrick 0. Witcher
I 0. II, 12, Pres1dent I 2: Beta lub I I i.
Freddie I ee Turner ecretary I 2; Homecommg ,\ctJVItie 12; \fark. A. Witt
Homecoming ,\cti\ it1e I 0, II, I 2. \1u Alpha Theta 10, 11. 12: rrcnch lub .IV football 10; VI 12.
II. 12: Computer A\\arene.., lub 10, 12: Judith L ~~ ood
Regina \f. nderwvod Regional ·cience fair 7th Place 10, 2nd
·oftball I I. 12; Choru 12; Flag orps I I, place II, 1\rm) Be. t-in- ategory II; .JROTC 10, II, 12: Drill Team 10, II, 12,
12 ommandcr 12; .IROT • \\Cethcart 12:
F J \ Competition 4th place I 0; I rcnch omputcr A\\arcness tub 10: Homc\:orn-
Traci Renee Vandemren ompet t1on II. 12. rL ed C\\:cllent II: ing Activities 12; horu~ II, 12.
Girls' tate P, ·t lte uencc fair I 0. II;
arah Leigh ~'an?Jnt hem- '\-Then Par'1c pa'lt I I. ~'ic/.:.i Elaine Wood
\olle\ball 10. II. 12. oftball 10, II. 12: Art tub 12: HO 12
Homecoming ,\cti\ t1e 2; French Club Anthon_~ Lamar William\
10, II, 12: HAO 10: PO\\derpuff hn\tcJnntl WillianH I i'ia A. Worthington
Football I 0. f rcnch Club I 0: rt lub 12. 1\:C·
FH,\ I 2; Track I 0, I I: Bas etball I 0, II. president 12.
Dand RaJ ~'arner' 12: Volley ball 12.
\feli"a A. Wright
Clifford , '\Jan Warner Ethel . Hilham' flag orp II, 12.
JROTC 10, II. 12: Dnll Team 10, II, 12. FHA 12: H \ 12: BE 12.
Company Commander 12: Drill Team \fichelle F. H ulwnH Anglea Gail Yarbrough
olor Guard ommander II: Drill Team horu I 0. I 1. I 2: B F I 2 M jcrette 10, Head :\1ujorctte II: \1i"
Deputy ommander I I. 12: \tarch1ng (. H ontc. tant I 0. II: I lome orning
Band 10, II: Jan Band I 1: Intramural \fike L. H'illiam' Actl\ t es 10, II, 12: Altern tc tudcnt
Council I I. 12. Homecoming \ctJ\ ities I 0, I I, 12. ( ouncd Reprcscntati\c 11; Prom om mil-
tee I . econd P tee :\1 jorcttc ontc ... t
\faxie H-'ashington Qumetta R. V.lifliam\ 11: F 1rst Place peech Conte'>t I I.
FHA/ Hero 12: horu~ 12. p1rit Club I 0~ Band I 0, II. F H \ Hero
2. Columbian t tff 12; Tiger t ff 12. \fa ria \fichelle } oung
Regina Watmn
Ra~ A. V.'ilham\ tan/C) ./. Young
Connie KaJ Webster Perfect ttendance 10. II: Art 1ub 10:
ROT 10. II. 12: FH II: Intramural
l.oui.'i Ed~~ard Weeks 10. II, 12 FF 1\ I I, 12, ccrctar) 12.
te~·c Young
Patti Dee Weiffenbach Takita L. ~ illiam'
Tenni I 0. II. oice of Democrac oft ball I 0: Flag Corp I 0: Band I 0; F F 1\ I I, 12.
Conte. t II. tudent ounc1l Repreo.,enta- Homecoming Court I 0: Clao.,o., Vice-
tive 12: Interact II, 12, Communit) pre ident 10: Homecoming r\ctl\itles 10,