Page 257 - chs-1984
P. 257
C horu I 0, II, 12: I lome oming \ctivit1e Kurcn l·vctt .lone' Ba cball 10, II, 12; Who' \\ho 12,
10, II. 12; lntr, mur<tl 10, II; Student Spirit Club 12: I Bl II, 12; HOS \ 12, I rench lub 12.
ounc!l Rcpre entati\C 12: IIOS 12, S\.\.eetheart 12: IH 12; II \ 10. .lame \1eltillc Knight
Ptrhamcntanan 12; IBI 10.
/\ern .lone' I enm I 0, II. 12; I rcnch lub I 0, II ,
Daniel P. 1/o ford Tran· fer from outh Bro\\ard. Interact II, 12; H OS 12, Home om1n
II\ 12; VIC,\ 12. cuvitie I 0, II, 12.
\fc~rcu' .lone'
Jerrell Da n'd llmH•II HOS 12; f HA 12. 1\imberiJ \nn Koon
II A 12; VI \ 12.
\fiche/ Kenneth June., h 1rfc, Trenton I ~19
Robert 1·. Jlud,on Ba eb II 12.
I :wrie I ea Iamb
/leather I . 1/un?i/ Phillip I rank .lone I Bl 10, 12; B • 12. Pre idcnt 12: I a)
I ren h lub 10, II, 12, Interact II, 12, HO A 12; horu 10, II, 12;. pirit lub \dv1 ory omm1ttec 12.
e retan 12: Art lub 12: T1ger St.tff II, 10.
1 • l·ditor 12: olumbian St, ff It, 12; l·li?ab th Ann I ampp
Homecommg \ctl\ 1tie I 0, II, 12. Ronme I . lone C_\nthi;l U\;In I and
fo tball 10; FF 10. 12.
8.1rbara Fllen I nardi Jon Godfrc.\ I anpford
I Bl A 12. .\ nthia De:wne Ku} Beta lub 12: \1arching Band 10, II. 12:
DorothJ D. Keen )mphonic Band IO, II: .fall Band II.
\fir) Ann l~e'
2 Homecoming Acuviuc 12: Bo) ·
tudent ouncil Representa tivc I 0, II, I ;,a \fiche/Je Keen t te 12 .
., Art lub 10, 11; Interact II; I 'fl \nn I amer
Homecoming cti,itie 10, II, 12; Prom I \nn D.1/e Keen HO \ II, 12.
ommittee II; Girl Tenni~ Team 10, II, A.rl Club II, 12; Beta Club 12; 'tudent
12; Prom 'er er I 0; \1arinc \1echamc ouncil 12: Homecoming \ctivitle 12. li'a Beth
'""eetheart 12: Yearboo taff 12. an"andra I al:ne Kellum Art lub 12; Home ommg \Cll\ 1t1c I 0.
FBI 10, II; FHA 12. II, 12: P \\dcrpuff footb.ll 10.
I mda Jm Jack,on
udent · ouncil Rcpre cntati\e 10; \fatt David /\ell\ I c~ura \nn I auhon
Homecoming cti\ ities I 0, II; I rcnch French tub I 0; ·Homecoming Acti\ltie FBI \ 12
lub 12. 10, II, 12: I A 12: Ke:. Club 12; I Bl \ I ''Lph \/len I ec
II; omputcr \""arcne lub 12.
Ronnie I.. Jachon p; m h Club 10. Kc) Club I udcnt
ROT 10, II, 12: Platocn c:r cant and \.'ictori;J D. K cJ.,e_\ ( u cit Rcprcsentati\c II. \Iter 1. 12.
F ecutivc Officer 12. \ IC \ 12; F Bl \ 12
~l indJ Ann Kemp
\.'eronicu lame' Bet lub II, 12, President 12: CH \ H if bert I oui• I ee
f Bl. 10, II, 12. Pre ident I t dent I 0, II, 12, \ ice-pr idcnt 12, I rL L lame:• F erdernand I cgrcc
ouncil Representative 10, II; 1 g1.rdtc om petition I 0, II, 12: F rend" ( ub I 0,
\1anagcr 12: horu II: E· n cmblc 12. II, 12, Pre idcnt 12: G1rh •e 12: I ce . I wn I c•IIc
Interact II, 12. Hi.,torian 1 1 \1u \lpha H \0 I, II. 1 I rLnch tub II, 12:
Barbaru L} nn Jcrnig:w
Theta I 0, II, 2 P 1rliamcntarian 12: Inter· <.:t ( ub I udent Council 10:
Donald G. Johmon tonal Hon r •1.1et) 10. II. 12. Homecommg \c' ' L I 0. I I. 12
ROT Rille Team 10. II, 12; Team \ ce-pre ident I.,, H 1ecommg Acti\ itlcs De In~ \nn I md•c\
ommander II: Battalion omm nder I 0, 12, Di trict Beta \icc-pre 1dcnt 12. \I \ \\ cethcart · II: llomel:Omlnl!
P<llnd n. 1\enned\ \ell\ e , 12
John Leon Johmon French lub 2. HAO 0. 12: D.nid R. I i•ton
B,~nd 10, II; JV Wresthng 10: \I A 12. t n1 Hon r ,)~, ct\ I 0. Bet C ub 12; F f \ I 0, II, 12: f 1 all I I. 12
B. \ t e I 1 \1 u A.lph Theta II, 12:
Richard \1 Johmon
Art Club 12: F rcnch Competition II; Debbie \nn I ittle
Ronald Dean John' n H rnecoming \ctJ\'iti.: I 0. II, 12. I 1 , \!Jchdlc I ord
ROT Rifle Team 10. II. 12: Team A.elh E Kight F Bl \ 0, Hi torian 10. F rcnch Club 10.
ommander 12.
Fr nch lub 10; Art Club II, 12; \I \ HO \ 12: llomecom1ng \ di\Jtie 10. 12
Timoth\ I con John,on 12: Homecoming Acll\ltiC I 0. II. 12.
Rand1 .lo I ukcr
Andrea Ellen June \1 r/... H mton King F H \ 12, Trea urcr 12: Homecom1nl!
tub 12: DF \I I, 2. President 12; tudent ounc Reprc ... ent t \e 12: F Bl \ \l:';' itie 12.
ngenialit) Mi .... C H P geant II: 12: BO\'> t .. te I. H onJI Hon r tcphen I.\ nch
\\eetheart 12. 01. et\ 10.' 2. p,ln r (. ub 10; Bl:l,\ J..c\ lub I 0. II. 12, Pre 1dent 12: I rcnch
C ub i I, 12: H \0 1
Brenda Jm ce .lone Club I 0. II. 12: f rcnLh CompdlliOn II.
BF 12: FBI A 12. Val:uie Tcre,, f... ng 12: Homecoming \dl\ Jtie-, I 0. II. 12
FH\ 12: HO \ I" prt tub 10.
ri,ie Bennita lone' Dcbor.Jh I .\nn l_wn'
Track I 0. II: FHA 12: Homecommg t Jlt ,\Icon f... rb\ Paula Ruth \f.Ic
Al:li\ itics 12. Dl C \ I"
Jn, \1, r·e \f.!C
Dan Eugene .lone' I de .I f...Jttle
I H \ I 2: H " \ 12: horu I 0, I I. 12. \ 't \ , Grci!On de \lad .lrt•n
Della O'Hara .lone' .lc!Yen Donald f... tt ' Bet n .lo \ t.muc1
f 11,\ 12. .I\ Football I \ r it\ t ball II, 12: F ll \ II. 12: llomccon11ng \ct1' 111e 12