Page 15 - chs-1989
P. 15
Work Enthusiasm Define The CHS Lady
olumbia High provides many op-
portunities for people to get in-
vc •lved in ervice to the chool. It ·
al o a place that beauty and talent are recog-
mzed. The beauty d not have to be ju t
kin deep but the beauty of the pirit and
the willingnes to hare and be part of the
chool and community trike an even bal-
Our chool is ne tied in the corner of a cow
pasture and on one ide Lake Alligator and
i magnificent oaks look over the playing
field . Located outh of town, CH i slowly
being urrounded by concrete and asphalL
We are o lucky to have the natural beauty
on campu that the trees and VB! t expan e
of gras provide.
Many young women are finding a place to
ex pre their de ire to . erve the chool orne
place other than on the portl. field . There
are many group and clas e that take on
pecial ervice projects and the 1i CH
conte t provide. a forum for talent and
beauty. Gathering under the tree. to have
their picture made, one of the conte tant.;
said "CH really has been a good place to
equette Griffin, Virginia Mincey, Terenna Reed, Tara Magby, and Angie Jone
gave a mile and uper refre hment for Parent • ight.
, .. ,,..,,, .. .,Parker, Meli a Hender on, La hawn toke , Linda Fulford, Kri ty Fountain, Dana Glenn, 'li CH , Gigi
t, Jennifer Owen , tephanie Wil on, Tiffany Witt, and Traci Hagood gather under the oak and relive orne of the
moment of the Mis CH conte t.