Page 232 - chs-1989
P. 232


       J  \RET DA.  IEL  \DA  IS
       \\   t  Palm  Beach, Fl.
       OCT  11,12: \"IC\  10; Honor Roll  10
       .. \rti  tic•

       VI  KIE  RE:\EE  \DA'\t:
       l.akr Cit~. Fl
       FE.\ 11,12, Vic  Pre  ident 12; Interact 11,12; FHA 10; Fr  ncb
       Uub  10,11
        \R.\H  A.
       3-2  -71
       Opalaca, AI.
       ('BE  12
       "Short  turr
       CLAUDIA !VETTE ALT   IIR.\'\0
       '\1e  ico  Cit~. Di  trito Fed.
       Spaoisb Club  12: !\tu  \lpba Tb  ta  12
        What~ Ouch!  om  thin  l.ikr  that~
       CECILIA  1.  \'\DER ·o.
                                                  enior Leader  of 19  9. Kay Jone  , Officer- at-Large; Vicki  kinner,  ecretary; Adriene  et-
       TO  Y DE'\tETRil   DER.  0.              tle  , Pre  ident;  taci Haygood, Vice-Pre  ident;  hannon Boyette, Trea  urer.
       Gatn  viii  , Fl.                         9-9-71                                     OTT JO  EPH  BL:"i.   TT
       J\'  ootball  10, \"ar  it)  Football  11,12   Lak  Cit), Fl.                      4·  ·71
       "Tb  Pri  -                               Track  11                                Lak  C•t, n
                                                 ""I  lick  to  tb  pro  ram!"            \"ar  ity Football  10,11,12; Var  it  Ba  ball  10,11,12
       D  RRELL E.  A:O.THO.  Y                                                           '"\\-bat are  we doang tb1  weekend;'
                                                 LARY   D.B  LL
       TRACY  DAW.  \RTH                         -25-71                                   C  ROL Y  .  D.  B  :\Z
       9-12-71                                   Lak  City, Fl.                           11·22·70
       Jacksonville, Fl.                         HO  A  11,12; CBF.  12                   Gain  viii  ,  Fl.
       Youth Council  10,11: Hom  room  Rrpr   ntativr  10.11:  rn-
                                                "L  t  mr t  II  )OU"                     tnt  ract I 0.11,12: Homeroom Repre  ntative I 0.11; Cia  or.
       ior Cia   E   cuti.e  Board  12; FBLA  10,11, Comp  t  tion  II;
                                                                                          nc  r  E  cutiv  12; L  0  12; Hom  comtng Event  10,11,12
       CB  II;  tud  ntorthe Day II;Homrcnming  vent  10,11,12:
                                                 '11KE W.  BARKER                         "Trll mr  ometbinl I  don't kno  ."
       Journalism  12: 19   Po  lure  Pnnces  :Dual Enrollmrnt  11   7-20-71
                                                 Jack  onville  Beach, Fl.                RO.   LD  LE  A"'DER BERRY
       GARY VO .. ATKI:\                         Ba  eball  10.11,12                      11·12-70
        -14-71                                  "That'  what  I  aid."                    Worth County, Ga.
       El  Pa  o. T  .                                                                    "That'  lir  . Cold  cbillin.  \ty  p  rro  ativ  •
       J\  Football  10.  \'ar  it)  football  11,12:  Wetgbt  Ltrtin   DAVID  '\tEL\'1  .  BAR. ·s
       10.11,12                                  11-9·70                                  K  RE .. D1   'E  BICKEL
                                                 Lake City, Fl.                           1·20-71
        HA. ·. ·o  '\IELODY  A  :"iE             ROTC  10,11,12,  Honor   ard,  Company  Command  r  11,   Hunntngton, Pa.
       2-27-71                                   tarr  -1  dmini  tattoo 12;K  y Club 12:W  i  bt Lirtin  11,12   HO   11,12: Fll  11,12.
       1a)ville,.  D                            "Don't do an) thin  I  wouldn't do.•
       Youth Council  10.11; HO  A 12; DEC  12; Homeroom R  pr  ·                         PA  I. D  BIRD
        ntativ~ 12:  11om  comin  E"ents  12
                                                P  IGE F. B  RRITF.A
       .. Yo  babe  I'm  not  a  cand)  trip  r~
                                                 ·11·71                                   RUF   R  LPH  BOLTJ.
                                                R  public or Panama Colon                  ·21·70
                                                Youth Council10,11:  tudent  ouncil12: VIC  11: Hom  com·   Gain  ville, Fl.
                                                in  Ev  nt  10,11,12; Volleyball 11,12;  ortball 12;  tud  nt or   ROTC  10,11,12, Drill Team  10, OCT  11,12
                                                the Day 11: Art Club  12                  "R  !table"
                                                "L  t'  all go pin  pang:"
                                                                                          KE. ·oRA   BOO  'f,
                                                TERE                                      11·14·71
       '\t  TTHEW  HA. ·:-;o.  BAILEY                                                     Thoma  ville, Ga.
       3-31-71                                                                            Hom  coming Event  11,12i VIC  12
       Jack  onvill  , Fl.                      DOUGLA  ROY  BARTHEl.\tE
                                                5·1  -71
       VI  A  10,11; D  T  12                                                             GEORG F.  D.  BO.  TO ..
                                                \\"ore  rt  r,  "a  .
                                                Track and  Fi  ld  11,12
        COTT R   DOLPH  BAILEY                                                            '\tELL.   , 'ULL BO  TO ..
                                                "'Put it thia way  bud ..
                                                                                                  DIHA.   BOYETTE
       Lake City,  Fl.
       . paoi  b Club 10,11,12, H  art throb II; I:O.'TERACT 12,.  wim
                                                BURTO .. E.  B   L  y                     Lake Cit  , Fl.
       Tram 12:  occrr Team 12; Youth Council10,11; Band 10,11;
                                                                                          fr  ncb   lub  10:  Youth  Council  10.11:  Home~omia   vent
       Winner or the Dav  11
                                                CY  "THI   :0.   BEEBE                    10,11 ,12;  ·B Honor Roll 10,11,12; Ti  erette Dane  Team 11,
       "Do you  ha ~ e  a  paece  of aum"r"
                                                4·23·70                                   lnt  ract  11,12,  w   tb  art 12: Cia   Orfic  r  11,12: CHAO
                                                fort '\tyer  , Fl.                        11,12;  L  o  10;  Mu  Alpha  Tb  ta  12;  B  ta  Club  12,
       I  \  HO.  DA  L  B  KER
                                                Cboru  10,11,12                           Council 12:  tudent or the Day  12
                                                ..  mile, life isn•t that bad."           "'Ju  t  hannon ... That's not what it  really mean  :"
       Jack  onvtlle, Fl.
       Youth Countci10.11;FHA 10; FBLA 10,11,12,CBE 12; Student
                                                DAW •. \1  Rl  BEIGHLEY                   REGI.  A DE'-11.  t.  BRADLEY
       or the Day  12
                                                  ·70                                     12·10-70
       .. Yeah, I am the one, the only, and the b  t there ever will b  ."
                                                '\fiami. Fl.                              Palatka, Fl.
                                                 rt  lub 12;  tud  nt or the  Day 11
       LaTO. 'lADE.  I  E  BAKER
                                                .. Hey  k•ller, bow'• it  hangin""!"      ELI   BETH  B.  BR   CH
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