Page 234 - chs-1989
P. 234

DEBBIE  \  COOK                          FREOf.RI(K ADRIA   DA\                    ORU.  E VONDU, DICK.
                                                •fr d ..                                  12-29-71
      CHRIS 0\  ss COlE\                        11-25-70                                  Lake Cit  , fl.
       10-13-71                                 Lout  "ill  • K).                         FF   10; VIC   11,12, R  prot  r  II, 'lo  t   t  •  M   •II
       Lak  Cit~. Fl.                           "Wb  n thine  ar  bad, I ju  t clo   m}  )e  andt  limy  Irtbat   Pr  id  nt  12
       Ba  eball 10,11,12; Homeeomin  Event  10,11,12   the)  could  et wor   ... and  ur   noueh, tb  y  do."
      "B  cool"                                                                           JO.   11  H  EL 01.  GE.
                                                DEA    LY:"i   0  AL                      JO.~j-71
      VllKI L\   CO                             3·13-71                                   Providenc  ,  Rl
       1·  0-71                                 W  t  Palm  B  aeh, fl.                   K~y Club 10, Wr  !line 10;  pani  h (  lub 11,12,1'r  1d  nl u
       Lab Cit), Fl.                             pani  h  Club 10,11,12: FBL\ 12; Hom  eom10e f.v  nt  11,12;
      OCT  12:  C   F  12                        tud  nt or tb  Oa}  11,12; Girl State  I I: Band  10   fELl( I  l.\SII  W   OOl (,l.
                                                "Big 0  al"                               11-1  -70
      ~t\RT\ S   RA                                                                        liami, n
      9-29-71                                   \IICH  EL  10.  E\  DEE.                  "fr  b"
      Pitt  bur  b. Pa.                          -11-70
      Homecoming  Event  10,11,12;  pirit  Club  11; Ke)  Club  11;   Gaine  ville, Fl.   BILLY JOE  DO\'  R
      DECA  12                                  J\ Football10, Var  ity Football11,12; Jot  ract 10,11; Ba  -  I 1·2  ·69
                                                baiii0,11;Gotri2;YouthCounc•l 10.11;  tud  ntCoun  il 10,11   popka, n
      HEL   GE.  IE.   CR\\
      7·6-71                                                                              l.f. 'LI E. I. OOW
      Lh  Oak. fl.
      Ba  etball 10                                                                       P  TRI{'IA  f. DR  K
      ''Outgoing"                                                       tary  11;  ortball  11,12,   "Pall)"
                                                               r  11;  Cll  0   11;  Band  12;  L  o  Club   7-1  -71
       EL\"1.  Cllt:CK CRAY                                                               L  ,  \tass.
      3- -71                                       y               up? H   -Wh  el!"      lot  ract  ll;fr  n  hCiub 10;110.  A 11,12,  rtllub 12,fB
      Lake Cit~, Fl.                                                                      12
      Spani  bCiub IO.CH\0.'11;Band 10,11,12,JazzBand 11,12,   Ll   RE. 'EE  OELG\00      .. Hom  room. what'  that?"
      Jazz Lett  r  11                           -13-71
      ..  ow and  for  '".  r, fr  b  b)  natural  kilL"   Lak  Cit), Fl.                 Sll     11( llf.l.I.t. OUGG  R
                                                 pani  h  lub  10,11; DEC\ 12
      TA  ORA  D. CRAY                                                                    Lake Cit), Fl.
                                                FORE. T   BRA\!  0  LOACII                'tud  ntCouneilll;  pant  bCiublO;(H  0.  ll;Youth{oun-
       \LI.  \  '1 . CROWD  R                    -9-71                                    cil  II; Dane  Club  12:  \tarebln  Band  10, Con  rt Band  1  ,
                                                Lake Cit), Fl.                            Hom  OmlDif  f.v  nt  10,11,12, ~at (olrl  12
       tAR  HA  K. CtJ   I  GHA\t               JROTC  10,11,12,  olor Guard I 1,12. Publi   rrair  Orfi  r  12   .. Gn  m   tr  n  th."'
                                                "Good JOb!"
                                                                                          TO  \'LOR  INt  Dl  l.AP
       TA  t'IE"i  G.  CURTI
                                                R  :"iD\  :-.JCHOL   DE.  B"i             1-19·71
                                                2-12-71                                   Alachua.  I.
       DJASA LY:"i .. ClTFORD
                                                Lake  ity,  Fl.                          .. ,,  mori   Ia  t  forever"
       5-22-71                                  Football  10
       Lake  it), Fl.
       Fr  neb Club  10                         DERRILL R  \  D  RO.
                                                P  n  aeola, Fl.
                                                 tud  nt or tb  Day  11; 0   A  11
                                                DARLF..  E  . De  ICCO                    DAVID TROY  ED  :\FJ  LD
                                                 .  DREW  JOH ..  DICK.                   Lak  {it), Fl.
       L  KE  H  RE..  E  0   DY                10-4-70                                   !i.e)  Club  10,11,  Hom  comin   v  nt  10,11,12;  L  o   Ia
      "K  ba"                                   Lake City, Fl.                            11,12; .'tud  nt or tb  Oa)  12; Cll  0.  12
                                                Key (lub 11,12;  rt Club  11;.  pani  h  Club  II   ""A,,   don't  ne  d  any  of that."'
       10-16-71                                                                               y, w
       Lake City, Fl.                           .. Hey  •..• Wb)  am  I  ooo eoool? ..
       tudent or tb  Oa)  11; FBLA  10,11; HO 'A  12                                      ROOt.RICK  R.  EDWARD.
                                                DULY  DIA..  DICK
      "'Fun. out going, and  adventurou  "
                                                12-30-70                                  JA  ON' J  DO ELLINGTO
       . IBER L.  DA VI                         Lake City, Fl.                            2-17-71
                                                 pan1  b Club 10: F  A 11,12, Band 10,11,12, Jazz Band 11,12,   Lak  Cit), Fl.
       DOtJGL   LEE 0  VI                       Band0rficeri2;Cboru  11,12,En  mbl  12;CH  0  12:Hon-  Var  ity Football,  tud  nt or the Day  10; ~u  lpba Tb  ta 12
       2-21-72                                  or . oei  ty  10                          J\' Ba  ketball  10; W  i  btlirting  10,11
       Panama Cit  , Fl.
       H  0   10.11; Fr  neb Club 10,11; Ke  Club 10,11,12; Hom  •   Kl\tB  RL\  \IICI!ELLE  DICK   J  . 0.  0  \.  El.LZE\
      com•ng  Ev  nt  10,11,12;  Youth  Counc1l  10,11;  Jot  ract  12;                   10-2  -71
      Wr  tling  12;  enior  Executive  Committ  e  12;  Journali  m   L  . T  R  LEX  . 'DER OJ  K   Lake City, Fl.
       11,12                                    12- -70                                    pani  h  Club 10,11;  rt Club  II; Key Club 12, Hom  comiDg
      "'In thi  final recital I'll carve m) be art aero  s  wet cliff  . In a   Lake City, Fl.   Ev  nt  10.11,12:  cad  mic T  am  12
      d  perate dance or viol  nt lire. That'  gone rorever at the end   .. y  ab  man, ho   about it?"   .. L  &\'e  me  alon  :•
      or the r  er.·
                                                                                          EL  I   G
       KRI  Tl 0  W.' 0  VI                                                               10-21-71
       12-4-71                                                                             tat  n  I  land,  ''t
       Lake City, Fl.                                                                     <'Bt~ 12
       pani  h Club 10: Homeroom R  pr  entative 10; Youth Coun-                          ..Wbat  ver"
      cil10: Interact 10,11,12; DECA 11;  tudent ortbe Day 12;. tat
       G1rl 12; 0  T Pre  ident 12: CECF  ecretary 12;  en1or Execu-                      M  TTHEW  COTT ETT  R
       tive Board 12,  weeth  art 12; Homecoming Event  10,11,12                          "'I all"
      .. \\Do are )lou?"                                                                  3·10-71
                                                                                          Gain  viii  , Fl.
       'I  TTHEW  ERI  D  VI                                                              Ke  (  lub  10;  pani  b  Club Tr  a  ur  r  11; 'toutb Council  II
       Lake Cit  , Fl.                                                                    JOHN  D.  EV  :-..
       VI   10,11; CE   12
      . "OAH J. D  VI
       TO.  lAG  IL D  VI.
       Lake City, Fl.
       French   Jub  10,11;  FBL   10,11;  Homecomine  Event                               OPIIIA  1.'1  Rl  F  R'lf.R
       I 0.11,12; Homeroom  Repre  ntallve  12: CB  12;  tudent or                        1·2  -71
       the Day  12                              Tracy Clement  and Brooke Bullard play the   Live Oak, Fl.
      "Wild Child"                              Mallet  for the Tiger Band.               CHAO  10;  pani  b Club 10, 11; K  y  lub 10,11; Band 10.11.

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