Page 237 - chs-1989
P. 237

.. Swallow!  You  taxi drh:ing  pupp   rl"                                         4·16-71
                                                                                      Ga1n  ville, fl.
   sTt:\ It Kf !.LEY                                                                  Spani  b  Club  10: VICA  10,11;  BJ,  12. Homecom1n1  Event
                                                                                      10.11,12;  ·atlonal  Honor  oc  ty  10.11,1:l.  \'outb  Council
   tR   < f   I. Kf.l  't,Y                                                           10,11;  \11   Corr  ct Po  lure  10, Hom  room  Repr   ntative
                                                                                      10; Art Club  12; B  ta Club 12:  tud  nt or th  Day  12
   lak  (II  ,H
    \rro·  m  r~can IIi  tor)  (  lub  12                                             OARRE.  1 •  .\1  THEW
     hat'  what I sa1d"
                                                                                      DAVID GRAHA\1  \IATTH  W
   ( Ht.RYL LY:"i.  KOBf.RLEI.                                                        3-19-71
                                                                                      Gaine  ville, Fl.
   9·  -71
   '\Ill ton.  t I.                                                                   CECF
   Ke~ Club  II,  pirit Club  11; ('Bf,  12                                           "'far out man!"
   Kf.~  \E. KOO.                                                                      \IY La  HAW   \IAXWELL
   9-20-71                                                                            Lake City, Fl.
   Go1n  viii  , fl.
                                                                                       pani  h  Club  10; Cboru  12
   t.DOU, ROBf RT  Kl RTZ
                                                                                      C  ORIC !';,  \1  Y
   Lake Cit), f I.                                                                    12-25-70
   .. Do  our b  t.  and  you  wtll  ucc  d"'                                         Lake Cit>, Fl .
                                                                                      VICA  11,12: FF
                                                                                      KI'\1BERLY  I.:  A   MAY.  ARD
                                             Tig  r  It   11;Tennl  T  am  10,12;  tud  nt Councll10,11,1n·   12-23-71
                                             t  ract  1 1,12;  Youth  Council  10,11,12,  Homecoming  Event   Rota.  pa1n
                                             10,11,12; Dane  Club  11; Fr  ncb Club 10   Homecoming Event  10,12
                                            ... Tb  (rand   8  enhal  of bappine   are -  ometbinr to  do.
                                             ometbing to  love and  ometbin  to  bop  for."   ITA  HOPE McCALL
    . IlL f.\  OAW:'>I  I.  :"i 0
    I 1·15·71
   Lake ('it~. f I.                                                                   Ga~n  viii  , Fl.
   Spon1  h Club; Art Club  11,12; Youth Council11; lnt  ract 12;                      pani  b  Club:  Hom  coming Event  10,11,12  lnt  ract 11,12,
   Drama Club, OCT R  port  r  12; Hom  coming Events 10.11,12                         crapbook Comm1ttee 12; Youth Council10,11;  tudent Coun-
                                                                                      cii!O;  cienc  Fair Over All Winner 10; Beta Club 12; Leo Club
                                                                                      12; .\fat Girl  12
   SO.  Ji\ LORRAI:"if.  L\W
                                                                                      "Doe  my  hair look O.K.?"
   6·2  -71
                                            TO:"iYA  LY:'>I:"i  \1acDO:'>IALD
   Lake C1h,  f I                            12-31-70
   Student or the  Oa)  12:  F  A  12;  Art  Club  11;  Hom  coming                   BRI   0. !\lc  RAY
                                             \te~  r  dale, Pa.                       6-27-71
   Event  10,1 1,12, Y  arbnok  tarr 12      OCT  11,12; Homecoming Event  11,12
   ...  m~an, Think about  it!  roe  taunt  to camp. Gonzo liv  !'"                   Deland, Fl
                                            "I don't  know."                          VICA  12
    Wf.,DY J  :"if.  1,AW                   P  TRICIA A.  ':"if,  \t  CKEY            TRI.  A JOYCE '\1cGREW
    2-25·71                                 3·3-71                                    7-27-71
    Lake Cit  , Fl                           Jack  onville, Fl.                       Cbarle  ton,  C
                                             Hom  com1ng Event  10,11,12; Art Club 11,12; Drama Club 12;   Interact  11,12,  Art  Club  12,  Homecoming  Event  10,11,12;
    . ARA  E.  I,  WRE:"iC                   Journalism 12;  panisb Club 10: lnteract10,11,12, Historian   Homeroom  Repre  otative  10
                                             11,   cr  tar>  12; \  011th  Council  11   .. Hope. your hatr look  fine."
                                             •Banana  "
    TEVE C  L  YTO.
    12·3-69                                                                           J  • ·:-;y  LO  I  E  1cKI. ·•.  Y
   Orlando, fl.                              CURl  TOPHER  \1ALO.  E                  8-4-71
    Key  Club  10,11;  priti Club  11                                                 Gaine  ville, Fl
   "Kill~r ..                                TABITHA LY:"i.  '\lA. 'GRU'\t            OCT  12; FHA  12, Homecoming Events  10,11,12
    LARA  t.LIZABETH  LE. !,IE               Lake Cit  ,  Fl.                         TINA 1. '\1cKI..  'EY
                                             Spani  h Club 10; HO.  A I 1,12; VIC  12, Homecoming Event
    11·9·70                                                                           3-27-70
   GainesVIlle, f 1.                                                                  D  land, Fl.
    Saint  Var  ity Cbe  rleader;  ecretary or  cbool:  Ke~ Club;   ..  mil  and  be happy ...   0  T  11,12; Homecoming Event  10,11,12
   CBE  Historian  12
   .. ,tarcie. don't leav  m  . there are ju. t too man  p  opl  ~I am   PATRICI  CHRI  TIE  '\IA:\1\'I"G   BRE!';DA KAY  "EEK
   ju  t not about tbi  "                    7·10-71                                  3-5-71
                                             Jack  onv1ll  , Fl.                      Lake City, Fl.
                                              rt  lub  11,12;  Key  Club  11;  Choru  11,12;  En  embl  12;
    \IARJERI ~:"i  LA"  LEWIS                                                         Homecoming Events  10,11,12;  tudent or tbe  Day 10; FBLA
   7-li-71                                   Hom~coming Event  11,12                   weetheart 10; VICA  11,12,  weetbeart 12, Vice-Pre  ident
   Lake City,  Fl.                          .. Lif~ 1  now  an open book containing blank page  for  me to   12
   Homecomanr  Event                         write future  on."                       .. \\'rong"
                                            JOS  R.  \tAR   :'>10
   WARRE:"i  F..  LEW!                                                                RODGER  .  \IE  .
   TR1:'>1A  Lt. ·o  EY                      BECKY  LY.   .\1  RKHA\t 4·8·71          La  HAW"DA RE. 'EE .\IO:"iROE
   1·12-71                                   Lake City, Fl.                           l-30-71
   Gain  ville,  Fl.                        CBE 12, Art Club 12; Homecoming Events 10,11,12;.  ational   Lake Cit), Fl.
   A·B  Honor  Roll  10.1 1,12; Perr  ct   It  ndanc  10;  cad  mic   Honor . ociety  10   FBLA  10,11,12, "':outb Council 11;  pirit Club 11;  tudent or
   I.  tter  I I;. tudent or the Day  I I                                             Da)  II; CBE  12.  •Hetbeart 12
   .. ~ v  r a  um  tb  und  rtermin  d."     \t  DARRELL .\tARKHA'\1                 .. Doing  ~:our be  t  will lead  to  uccess"
                                            Lake City, Fl.
    :"iGELA  ('  ROLL  LOEFFLER                                                       JA. IE  WALTER  100RE
   ..  nja"                                  merican  Legion  Good  Citizen  hip   ward  10,11;  CHAO   7-5-71
                                            10,11,12,  Vice-President  11,  gt.-at-Arms  12;  Beta  Club
   7·19·71                                                                            L~ ncb burg, Va.
   Jock  onvill  ,  Fl.                     I 1,12;.  ational Honor. ociety 10,1 1,2 Pre  ident 12; .\1u  I ph a   f'rencb Club  11,12, FBLA  12, Ke)  Club  12; Band  12
                                            Theta 10,11,12, Vic  -Pre  id  nt 11, Pr  ident 12; Fr  ncb Club
   OCT  11,12;   ·B  Honor  Roll  10,11,12;  Homecoming  Ev  nt
   I 1,12                                   10,11,12, President 12; Interact 11,12, Trea  urer 12;  rt Club   TALNGI  IOORE
   .. Ev~r)tbln( will  work it  elf out"'   10; Youth Council 10,11; Homeroom Repre  entative 12; Per-
                                            reel Attendance  10,11; Tennis  10,11;  tudent or the Day  10;   JOETTA C.  '\10RGA~
   LEAH  CH  RLE:"iE  LO\'F.TT              Hom  coming Event  1 0,11,12;  cademic Teams 12, Treasur·   3-25-71
   3-13-71                                  er, Heartthrob                            l  nion. W\'
   T1rton, Ga.                                                                         t11d  nt or th  Da)  12;  DECA  11,12
   (81-;12                                   BELLY RE. 'EE M  RTI!';
                                            12-28-71                                   TEPHE'  OOL'GLA.  '\10RGA1"
                                            '\1obile,  I.
   'ATA  HA  E.  Lt:KE                                                                12-1  -70
                                            JV Cheerleader, Captain  10;  Interact  10,11; DEC   11;  tu·   Grants, .'li\1
                                            dent Council  11; Hom  coming Event  10,11,12; CBE  12
   L.'\URA  l,Y  ·.' LY:"iCH                                                          Swim Team  10,11,12, Captain 11,12; Ke~ Club 11,12; French
   2-3-71                                                                             Club 11; \1u Apba Tb  ta 10,11; CH ~0 .  12; \  oun  R  publican
                                            S  SA.' RENEE l\1  RTI.
   Gain  VIII  , f'l.                                                                 Uub 12
                                                                                                   E  lOR DIRE  TORY  233
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