Page 233 - chs-1989
P. 233


   (,tOR  1   BRA   0                        ROBERT CABRAl. JR                         'alloaal  Honor   ty  IO,II,J:l,  tod  nl of I
    11 · 1-70                               " Bobb  "                                 .·paai  h Club 10; (  IIAO  10.11 ,12. Jun1or R  pr
    tt. 'lh er  • Fl.                       9-9-71                                    Pr  ide at 12: Leo Club  II, 12, O•rector 11, Pre
    studtot  Counc•l  10,11;  Interact  10;  OCT  11;  Homeeominc   \liami, Fl.        lpba  Theta  10.11,12:  Youth  Council  II ;  tud  at   ~ience
    f.v  nt  10,11 ,12                       Choru  10,11,12;  Band  12;  FA  10;  Homecominc  Ev  nl   TraiDIDI Procram  11; B  T  Club  12,  merlcaD L  cion Cltl·
                                             10,11,12                                 Len  hip  A  ard  11;  cad  mi  Club  12,  eadem c  Team  11 ;
                                                                                       cad  mie L  tt  r  11,   i  nee Fa.r 10,11,12; Th.rd Plac   atll
                                             0  \'10  I . CAE  AR                     L  acu  Te  t  10, Homeeominc Event  10,11,12
    'Ill( !I fLU. OF.  ·1 .  BROOK.          12-3-70                                  '"Fe  d  m  !""
    9· 19·69                                 Lak  City, Fl.
     tlanta, (.a.                            tud  at of th  Day  I I;  VIC   10.11,12:  Jot  ract  11,12:  Key   TRACY  .  !I<  Cl.  ·"f. 'T
    IIOSA  12                               Club 11;  Hom  cominc Event  12           6·11 -71
                                            •  lay the  urf be  with you."
    KE\'1!1<  A  ORt,\\  BROO'IIE                                                     CH  0   11,12,  pani  h  Club  10.11;  BLA  10;  E   10,11,12.
    I 1· 19-70                               HE.  RY  '1'1' . C  LOWELL                cr  tar ·  10.  Pr  ident  11,12,  L  o  Club  11,   cr  tory  II ;
    l.ak  Cih , Fl.                                                                   Band  10,11,12; Youth Council  II; Acad  mie Club 12
    tr  ncb( lubOrfl  r  11 ,12, (  II  0 .  12, 11om  om•n  f.v  nt  II   GR  GORY W. C  LLA'I'I'  Y   •  hawna. 1u   what?"
    " \lr  Jon  "                           "Gr  c"
                                             -1-71                                    A" I;'. ELL LO   COATE
    JOII!I< t,TTf, B. BRO\\                 Jack  onville, Fl                         ..  mi'"
    11· 28·70                               Drill T  am  10,1 1,12; VI  A  12;  pool  h  Club  II ; CHAO.  11   9-21 -71
    l.ak  Cit y,  f I                       " K  lly, wh  re we coin  for lunch'!"    Lake City ,  I.
    Trark  \lanag  r  I I                                                             C B  11,12. \'1ce Pre  1dent  12
    "1.  t'  cet b)p  d "                    'I!ICHAEL P  IJL C  LLES
                                                                                      CH  "EL  PATRO..  COF.
    IIA  .  0 .  \1 . BRO\\                 T  !\<   I , CA'IIPBELL                  9-2  -71
                                                                                     Gain  'ill  ,  Fl.
    Sllf RRY  \  Al.f.Rif.  BRO'I'I'        GARY 'I'I'ILLI  '11  C  RTER II          J\' FootbaiiiO. \'or  ity  ootballll,l2;  tud  ntofth  Da  10;
    11-16-71                                 I 1-9-71                                Track T  am  10; JROTC Drill T  am 10,11,12, Company  Com-
    l.ak  Citv, f I.                                                                 mander II, Battalion Commander 12,  up  rior Cad  t  II. Re-
    Hom  romin  bent  11,12; D  CA   w   tb  art runner-up  12,         11- tat  Band 11,   erve Offic  r   ociallon  11;  Boy   tate  It  ndant  II
    ('boru  II                               up  rior '\1  dol for Cone  rt Band 10, Band Out  tand•nc  oph·   " If I have an  thine   want  , I will tr  to cive it to th  m
                                                   ard  10,  'llarchin  Band  L  tt  r  10,11 ,  Jazz  Band
    H.RRY   LO  ZO  HRO\\                           ound  y  t  m  Crew  'llanag  r  11
    10·25-71                                                                         TI\IOTH\  DE'I'I'AY.   COLLI. .
    GolD  v11l  , fl.                       TERI  C. C  RTER                          .. T•mm) "
    \\ei  btlirtinc 10,11;  tudent ortb  Day  11, Youth Coundl11;                     11-13-71
    t  81.<\  10                             .RI  "I CHELL  C  . E                    Lake C•t),  Fl.
                                            6- 13-71                                  \  IC \  11
    KELU:Y E.  BR\  !I<                     0  ni  on.,  T><.                         .. L  e  1t  or lo  e  it"
                                            Interact  10,11;  CH  0.  12;  Dance  Club  11,  eeretary  12;
    Tllf.RfSA K. BRYA. 'T                   Youth  Counc1l  10,11;  tud  nt  Council  Parliamentarian  10,   AI  I;'.A  R   \   COLQ  ITT
                                            Vic  - Pre  ident  I I ,  Pr  id  nt  12;  Hom  com inc  Event   10-22-70
    BROOKf  LA;'.f,  BlLL  RD               10,11,12:  tudentoftb  Day  11 ,12:  tud  ntGov  rnm  ntOay   lndianapoli  , Ind.
    11 - 10-71                              10.11,12;  Prom  Commit!  e  II;  French  Club  10:  Esecuti.e   Homeroom Repre  ntat"e 10,11 ; French Club IO. A-B Honor
    GolD  ville, Fl.                        Comm1ttee  12                             Roll  10:  Youth  Council  10,11,  Interact  11,12,  CHAO   II:
    'llajorette  10, Co-captain  I I;  F   10; CB  0 .  10,11;  French                Hom  com1ng  '  nt  11 ,12;  Academic  cholar  Award  11;
    ('lub  10,11 ;  Stud  nt  of  tb   Day  I I;  FEA  10,11,12;  FBI,A   J  CQl ELl  ·r.  LE  CHAS   OCT Vic  Pr  id  nt  12: Art Club  I 2; Beta Club  I 2
    10,11,12;  wim T  am, Girl  Captain 12; Drama Club 12; Band   "Jacki  "            Wber  '  Robb) ~ Hunting,  ·her  el  '!"
    12                                      3-2-71
    .. And  wuv,  true wuv ... "            Lake Cit}, H .                            JO.  JEFFREY COL\'1.
                                            Choru  10,1 1,12,  En  mble  12; Youth Council  10,12   "Jefr
    JA\IES 'I'I'ILl.l  \1  Bl' Rk.E         .. R  ady  han"!"                          -22-71
    "JI\1  n·                                                                         0  catur, Ga.
    2·23-71                                         \1  RIE CIIE.  HIRE               J\ footbaiiiO; \IC<\  12,  ·occer 12
    Fort Wayn  ,  Ind.                      9-20-71
    Key Club IO,li ; L  oCiub 11,12:  H  0  10,11 ,12: Interact 11 ;   Tampa, Fl.     LY  .. ;'.I  OLE CO'IIPTO.
    pani  b Club 10.1 l ; 'l'l're  tlin  12; Bov   tate 12; Youth Coun·   Homeroom R  presentativ  10,11; J\ Che  rl  ad  r  10: DEC   1-22-71
    cil  10; Photo  raphy  Club  10.1 1;  tud  nt of the Day  12,  ca·   cretary  12; Hom  comin  E'  nt  10.11,12   Tallaba  e  , FL
    d  ml<  Competition  12                                                           J\ Cb  rl  ad  r Co·  a plain 10; FBLA 10; Choru  10: Interact
    .. An  A~ An  A! \1)  kin  dom  for  an   !'"   DAVID JO  EPH CHE   ER            11 ,12: Homecoming E"·ent  10.11,12. Hom  room R  pre  nta·
                                             1-4-71                                   live  12:  . enior E  ecuti'  Commit!  e  12; 'llat Girl  12
    Bf.LJ!I<DA  COLLEF.  '  B  R!l<  \1      Gain  ville, Fl.                         .. It's  o~er!  I   wear~
    9·20-70                                  JROTC CompaD}  Command  r  11,  Dril Team  10,11,12, Com-
    \u  u  ta, Ga.                           mand  r  11,  Battalion  Executhe  Officer  12,  upenor Cadet
    CBE  10; HA 10; FBL  Comp  tit1on  10; Rec  ived honorabl   10, Color Guard  10:  Homecom1ng  E-ent  12
    mention  for  tb  po  m ... 'ly  tother,"  and  wa  publi  b  d  b)
    The World of Po  try,  10                DA\'10 LEE CHITTU\1
    .. E.ducation i  that which remain  wb  none ha  forgott  n  ~ ·   -11-71
    ~ryth•n1l arn  d  tn  chool."            Lake (  ity, Fl .
                                            • tud  nt of tb  Day  11; Band 10,11, Heartthrob 11; Ke}  Club
    A'IIY  l. 8  R   TTE                     10,11.12,  Pre  ident  12,  Heartthrob 12; Yearbook Photogra-
    6·2-77                                  ph  r  11;  Photocraphy  Club  Pre  ident  11:  Var  ity  Cheer-
    Valdo  ta, (,a.                         )  ad  r 12; CHAO.  10; French Club 10;  enior Cia   Pia  11,12
    h  n  b(lubiO;  'tud  ntCouncill0,12;  lu  lphaTheta10,12;   .. Have fun. b   cool~
    11om  com in  Ev  nt  10,11,12,  CH \  .  12;  OCT  Offic  r  12;
    llonor Roll  10.11,12                   . 1.\RGARET KATHERL  CHRI  T'\1
   •Aerobi   an  on  ?*                      -23-71
                                            Gulfport, :"IIi
    DO  ':'<A  l.A;'.f.TT  BYRD             JROTC Battalion Chapla•n 10; Youth Councill1 ;  r  ncb Club
    ·111-71                                 12; II.  )  Club 12; Drama Club 12,  cad  mic Team  12; Home-
    Fort Ord, Ca.                           comtng   ~ent  12; French Competition  12
                                            "God  hall b  my  hop  , m}  Ia}, m}  guide, and lantern to my
                                            f  et."
                                             l.\RI  S   'II . CIE. LJK
                                             H  . ' !1<0;'.  KATHLEE.  CLARK
                                            Lak  Cit), Fl.

                                                                                                  , E  lOR DIRE  TORY  229
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