Page 240 - chs-1989
P. 240

IEL\ I  SHEPP\RD                         Club 12; Prom C'ommille  II
                                                  .. Liv  toda\'  like  tber  i  no  tomorrowr
        Sl S\" DIA"E Slt.RA                        'GEL.\ I. S"YDER
        5-12  71
        J  ck  on"lle, Fl.                        LUTRA SHA,  E.  SPI\'E\                  JA  US T  Yl.OR
         lu  \lpba Theta  10,11,12; CH \OS  12; Honor Sociel)  10,11;
        F  \  12;  French  ('lub  10,11;  Hom  comin  Ev  nl  10,11,12;   1-6-71
                                                  Gain  viii  , tl.                        Kt.ITH f , T  Yl.OR
        .\cadem1c Leiter II; Beta Club  12                                                 8·22·71
        .. I  it time  to go hom  ) etot"          Ia  s  Officer  10;  Homecoming  Event  10,11,12;  Hom  room
                                                  Repre  enlative  10; Student Council Tr  a  urer  11,12; Youth   \\ur  burg, G  rmany
        \'IDA \'ICTOR1A  Kl.  "iER                Council  10,11;  French  Club  10,11;  Interact  11,12;  Bat  Girl   Sw1mming 10,11; Student of th  I> a  · 10; 11om  co mine Ev
        3-10-71                                   10,11,12; Journalism  12;  rl  Club  12,  tudenl  Gov  rnm  nt   10,11
        Jack  onville, Fl.                        Day  11,12;  Prom  Commill   11;  tud  nt of tb  Day  11,12;   "  nd  that's tb  way  11  i  !"
        French  Club  10,11,12,  President  II,  weetbeart  12; Tiger-  E  ecutiv  Committee  12
        elles 10,11, Captain 12 Co-Captain; Student Council10,11,12;                       KI.\IBt,RLY  LE"ETTI. T  \LOR
        Youth Council11; Class Orricer 12; CHAO  11,12; Mu  lpba   SHELLEY REN   PR  DLEY   9·9-71
        Theta  12; Homecoming Event  10,11,12; Interact  10;  Dance   5-19-71              ( .. ainesv•lle,  Fl
        Club II,  ·ecretan 12; Girls  tat   ominee 11;  cad  mic L  I·   Lake City, Fl.    Choru  10,11,12,  t.n  mbl  11,12,  (bora!  t   lival  "lrCo
        ter 11, .\-B Honor Roll  10,11,12         Softball  10,11; DCT 12                  10,11,12; DEC!\;  tudent of tb  l>a)  II; Hom  com in  t,,  8
                                                  .. I'll  tr)  anyth1ng one  .,"          12
        BE.  JA,IIN D  LO.  G  KIPPER                                                      "Watch watcha do!"
        4-17-71                                   C  LA"i'DRA  "i'ECHELLE SPRING
        Gain  ville, Fl.                          10-15-70                                 \1  GGIE SHARO.  t.  T  YLOR
        Football  10;  tudent  of  tb  Da}  11;  Homecoming  Event   Gamesv1lle, t'l.      ll-13·71
        10,11,12; Basketball10,11,12, Captain 12, ~lo  I  Improved in   .. What l'  &\' •  Yes!  Yes!"   Ga1n  ,ill , f 1.
        Ba  k  tball11, Top Rebounder and Be  I  Deren  he Pla}er 10
        "'\tr. Ba  ketball"                       IICHA  L  \\  'TA"CIL                    \\ALTER SCOTT T  Yl.OR
                                                  1-5-71                                   1-1-71
         LORI  , 'N  LA  'KER                     Tyke, T                                  Lake Cit), H
         5- -71                                   \'ICA 10.12                              J\' football10, Var  ity  11,12; \\  i  btlifllng 10,11,12; HO
        Lake Cit}, Fl.                                                                     12
        Homecommg Events 10,11,12; D  T  12       ROBERT  \1  'T  "CIL
                                                                                           (  IIRISTOPHt.R Ol>f.!.l. Tt.RRY
        CHRI  TI. 'E P.  '11TH
                                                  KRI  Tit..  LOU  E. T  "Lt..Y            12·4·70
        .. Cbri  "
                                                  10-29-71                                 Birmingham,  I.
        11-13-70                                                                           football  10.11,12: \\r  thng  10,11; Hom  com1ng  E-ent  10
        Lake City, Fl.                            Gainesvill  , Fl.
        FH  12,  weetb  art 12; Perfect  llendance 9  )  ar  ; Home-  pani  b  Club  10;  FEA  12;  Hom  comin  Event  10.11,12;   •\\-'inn  r  n  "  r  quit  and  quitter  nev  r  win""
        coming  Events  10,11,12;  Afro-\merican  History  Club  12;   Homeroom  Representaliv  12; Journahsm  'taft 12; CHAO   JA.  'fARIE TERRY
         pani  b  Club 10                                                                   10-1·71
        .. You  can't  get  omethi.n  for  nothing.  Believe  that!  l"m  not   ..  b man!  g  t  outta here ..  Promtse'!  BC BAB:r'   Lak  Cit), Fl.
         with that program."                                                                ludent of tb  Da  10,11; Journali  m  11,  Ed1tor  12;  Hom
                                                                                           coming Ev  nl  10,11,12; Drama Club 12, HOSA  12,  rt CI
         CY. 'THIA A. 'NETTE  :\liTH                                                       12; Youth Council  11;  en10r Cia   Pia}  II
                                                  CAROLY.  E.  TE\\  RT
         10-22-71                                                                          "Y  ab,  I  h  ar ya! Gna  ty"
         Gaine  ville, Fl.
         FF.\ 10, Trea  urer II, President12;  tudent ortbe Da} 11,12;   . T  "LEY  0 .. TEW ART   DARRYL R. THO'!
         Computer Club \'ic  Pre  ident10,  ecrelary  11; French Club
         10,11; CHAO  10,11,12; 'lu  I ph a Tb  Ia 11; Cboru  10,11,12   LI\RA D. STI" ·o.   !:"IiDlA  C. THO  I
         "'What'  a  nice  en  ithe person like me doin' in  a  place like                 9-3-70
                                                  Lake Cit), Fl.
         thi  ?"                                                                           Gaine  ville,  Fl.
                                                  t'rencb Club IO,li,Compelilion 10; CECF 11,12, Di  I riel Gov-
                                                                                           FBLA  10; Cboru  11,12; D  C  12
                                                  e-rnor  12,  State  Comp  litton  11:  \tat  Girl  10;  Homecoming
         PHILLIP  .  :\UTH                                                                 ~Tell them that I   nl you."
                                                  LHnls 10.11,12; Ke) Club 10,11: FFA 10, Youth CounciliO,II
         ROBERT THO :\lA.   '11TH                                                          J  \HE LY.'Ii   THO\IA
                                                   :\IY  \HCHELLE  TOR\t  . 'T
         11-2-70                                                                           10-14-71
         Gainesville, Fl.                                                                  Lak  City, Fl.
         .. I've never met a  tranger. \\'bat you  ee i  what ;,:ou  get."   Lake City, Fl.   \'olle} ball T  am  II; Homeroom  Repr  enlaliv  11
                                                  HO  A  11; FH   11,12; Homecoming Event  12
                                                                                           •y   I  am, no  w  'r  not, In  f  bruary"
          TE\'E.  CARY   liTH
                                                  PE. ':"liiE  ELIZ  BETH  TRICKLA.  D
         4-26-71                                                                           JO"  D  THO\IA ·
         Colorado  pring  , Co.
                                                  Gainesville, Fl.
         Football 10,11,12
         .. Ok~ 8   tuck  up,  I don't care;"      tudent of tb  Da}  12
                                                                                           Tt:RRA  'CE TYRO"E TR0\1A.
         TERE  A '\II  HELLE  :\liTH               TACY  \1, STRICKLA"D                     -25-71
         "'Terri"                                                                          Lak  Cit}, Fl.
         3-25-71                                  CHIQ  ITA  LA TRICE  'TRl DER            FHA  II; Key Club; . tudent  ounciliO,Il; Ba  k  tballl2
         Lake City, Fl.                           12-3-71
         Rom  coming  Event  10,11,12;  rt  Club  12;  Perfect  Allen-  Gainesvill  ,  Fl.
         dance  12 }ear :  ortball 10,11,12: Yearbook  taft 12   FBLA  10
                                                  •ob  ou  don~t know  m  .  }OU  b  lter a  k  om  on  ~
                                                                                           BYRO.  TILL:\!
         JEN.  !FER  LYCE  MITHY                                                           6-12-69
         10-21-71                                 JOH"  B .. Tl'  RT                       Gain  ville, Fl.
         Lake City, Fl.                                                                    Ba  ketball  10,11; DCT  12; Hom  coming E  cort  12
         Tigerelle  10,11,12; French Club II; Interact 10,11,12; Home-  CHRI. Tl.  E  LEE  IJ\1  IER.
                                                                                           ""Ju  t  a  ver)  bumorou  and chill  n  I'U)."
         coming Event  10,11,12; Youth Council11; Dane  Club 11;  rt   ""Penny"'
                                                                                           C'IIRI. 'TOPHER J. TODD
                                                  Homeroom R  presentative 10;  pani  h Club 10; Youth Coun·
                                                  cil  II
                                                                                           LE.  LEY A.  TO'!LI"i'
                                                  ROBERT A  .   \I'IER.
                                                                                            anford, Fl.
                                                                                           OCT 10; Hom  coming Events 11,12;  'piril Club II; t'BL.\ II
                                                  GREGORY  \IERLI.'Ii   ND                 Afro-American Hi  tory Club  12;  FHA  12, Tr  a  ur  r  12
                                                  Lake City, Fl.                           VICKY Clf  RLET TO\ILI.
                                                  , 'ationaiHonor  ociety 10,11; FoolbaliiO; Ba  eball10,11,12;   8-6-71
                                                  Wrestling 10,11,12;  cademic Scholar  Award II; A-8 Honor   Lake City,  Fl.
                                                  Roll  10; 11om  coming Ev  nt  11,12     FBLA 10,11,12; FHA 10;  tudentofth  Day 12,  'pirit Club I
                                                  "Who are YOt.;?"                         CBE  12,  Parliamentarian  12; French Club  10
                                                                                           MICHAEL  • TOW  ·.
                                                  GARY  :\IATTIIEW  WIFT
                                                  6-23-71                                  D  W.  LaGALE Tl  KER
                                                  Ravenna, OH                              9-13-71
                                                  DCT 12                                   Lak  City, Fl.
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