Page 239 - chs-1989
P. 239

WILI.IA. f  W.  PIJil,P                  ph a Theta 10,11,12; CHAO.  10,11,12; American Legion Boy'e   R   DALL  COTT ROBERT
                                            State                                     -26-71
   DEBRA  1. Pllll,POT                     "Whatever, I don't care"                  Lake City, Fl.
                                                                                      tudent of the  Day 12·  VICA  11
                                            2-9-72                                    EA.  ERI  ROB  RT
   7.16·71                                                                           4-21-71
   Brandrord. F I.                          Richmond, Va.
   Cboru  10. D(T  11,12; llomecominr F.vent  10,11,12   Girl   tate l2;SeniorCla  ePiay 11;FEA 10;CHAO  10,11,12,   Lake City, Fl.
                                            Beta Club 12; Art Club 10; French Club 10,11,12; Homecoming   D  TI0,11,12;VICA10.11;  tudentoftbeDay10;FootballlO
   Jt.. ':"''IH.R  M.  PI,U  I MER          Event• 10,11,12;  tudent oft he Day 10,11,12; Key Club Soph-
                                           omor  Director  10,  Pre  id  nt  11,  Lt.  Governor  12;  Vote  of   NA. ·cy DANEE. 'E ROBIN  0.
   Jack  onville,  f'L                      Democracy  I  t  Place  10,12,  3rd  Place  11;  Academic  Club   7-27-71
   Dance Team  Co-Captain  10,11,  Lieut.  12,  Cia   Officer  10;   Vice-Pre  ident  12   Vero  Beach, Fl.
   Es  cutive  Committee  12;  Youth Council  10,11; French Club   "'I'm  in  cbarre now."-  le.s:ander  Hail   Chorue  10,11,12,  En  emble  12,  Di  trict  Choral  Feetival
   I0.1l;CIIAOS 11, Secretary 12; Academic!.  tter 11;  rt Club                      10.11.12,  tate Choral Fe  tivall0,11,12; Key Club 11;  pan-
   12; Interact 10,11,12; Dane  Club Pre  ident 11, Sgt. at  rm                      ;  h  Club  10
                                                                                     ..  ometime  I'm  up,  ometime  I'm  down.  but  today  I  can't
   12, Dual  Enrollment 12
                                                                                     decide ...
                                                                                      TEPHE'\' TROY  ROPER
   11·13-71                                                                          2-2-71
   Gaine  ville.  f I.
   :o.ational  Honor  oc1  ty  10,11,12;  \fu   lpha  Th  ta  11,12;                 Palatka, Fl.
                                                                                     Football 10; Art Club  10; Homecoming Event  12;  coop  12
   Cllo\0.  11,12,  Vice-Pre  ident  12;  Spani  b  Club  11;  Drama
   Club  12; Academic T  am  12;  cademic Letter  11,12; Home·
                                                                                     PE;>;!IOE  !VI.  RO  IER
   eom 1 n  Event  10.11,12; Homeroom Repre  entative 12; Dual
   Enrollment  12;. tudent of th  Day  11;  Beta  Club  12;  DAR
                                                                                     • 'EL  0 .. L. RO
   111  tory Award  10; Sen10r Cia   Play
                                                                                     T  R  HA  LYNETTE RO   I.
   \'aldo  ta, Ga.                                                                   Lake Cit  , Fl.
   Tenni  Tum  10,11,12;  french  Club  10,11;  Honor  ociety                         oftball 11,12; HO.  A  12
   10.11,12.  Tre  urer  12;  \fu  lpha  Theta  10,11,12; Key  Club                  "Work with it"
   10.11, Vice·Pr  ident 10,11; Youth Council 10;  'tudent Coun·
                                                                                     GREGORY  COTT ROV  H
   cil  II;  rt Club  10
                                                                                     Boynton  Beach, Fl.
   CIIRI  TOPHF.R LEROY  POUCIU.R                                                    Choru  10,11,12, En  emble 10,11,12;  occer 12; CHAO  12
   9-17-72                                                                           .. \\~bat were you  tb1nking"r'
   Panama City, fl.
   ROTC  10,11,12, R10e Team 10,11,12; Tenni  Team 10,11; De·
                                                                                     Ll  AD. RYA .
   bate  10,11
   '"I  thou  bt  I  wa  wronr once, but  I  wa  mistaken."
   L1  A DAW   PO  ;-.iO
   5-4-71  burg,  Fl.                            taci Hagood, as end of the year  enior ClSJ.  Pre •·
   Key Club 10; \farcb1nr Band 10,11,12, Concert Band 10,11,12
                                            dent, plan  a  . pecial Centennial Graduation.
   12-5-70                                  N  NCY  MICHELLE REED                    TRACY LEIGH  ALZER
   Gad  den, AI                             4-11-71                                  1-23-71
   FEA  12, Treasurer 12;  Homecoming  Events  10,11,12; Jour·   Bittburr, German)'   Lake City, Fl.
   noli  m  12                              Art Club  12; HO  A  12; Photography  Club  10   tud  nt Councill0.1I.I2, Trea  urer 10. Parliamentarian 12;
   •  omebody done lied  to  you~ B  'BAB~                                           National Honor. ociety  10.11,12, Vice-President 11; Mu  Al-
                                            TORRE L  VELLE  REED                     pha Theta 10,11,12,  ecretary 12, FBLA 10,11,12, Di  trict IV
   TRACY  LY.'i.  POWELL                    7-15-71                                  President II, Vice-Pre  ident 12, Who  Wbo in Distr~ct IV 11,
   12-28-71                                 Miami, Fl.                                fi   FBLA 11; Youth Council 10.11; Leo Club 12; Cheerlead-
   Lake City, n                             Var  ity  Football 11, 12: Weight L1fhng 11,12; \'ICA  12   lng 10,11,12, Captain 12;  rt Club 12; Beta Club 11,12;CHAO
   FBLA  10; Homecoming Event  11,12;  tudent of the Day  II;                        12, Reporter 12; Drama Club 12; Academic Team 12; Editor of
    pani  h Club  11; VICA  11; OCT Officer 12; Interact 12;  rt   HA. '!100 ..  \1, RE  "tfO.  DO   Tiger  '\'e   paper  12;  \tis  CH   11:  Homecoming  Event
                                            8-12-71                                  10,11,12; Homecoming Queen 12; Hugh O'Brian Youth Foun-
   Club  12
                                             t.  P  ter  burg, FL                    dation  cholar  h1p  Winner  10; A  Honor Roll  10; A-B  Honor
   ·oh veil  thats life~
                                            Chorus  11,12                            Rolli!;  cholar Athlete ll;Citizensbip Award IO;Century Ill
          ALEX  POWER.                      "I will be glad when thi   all o"er."    Leader   cbolar  hip Winner 11; French Club 10,11 •• 'umber
    -21-71                                  H  RRIET LY;-.i;>;  RHE                  One French  I  and  II  tudent
   Gaine  viii  , Fl.
   Tenn1  10,11,12; FBLA  10,11,12, Officers  12;  tudent of the   5-31-71           J  \IE  E.  A.  DER
                                            \fiami, Fl.
   Day  11                                                                           7-4-71
                                            Choru  10,11,12;FFA 11,12,  ecretary 12;Homeroom Repre-
                                                                                     Gaines"·ille, Fl.
                                            sentatiave 12; Key Club 11; Beta Club 12; Academ1c Club 12;
                                                                                     Honor  ociety  10,11,12;  CHAO  10,11,12;  "tlu  Alpha  Theta
                                            Homecoming  Events  10,11,12;  panisb  Club  10;  Academic   10,11,12;  Beta  Club  12;  Computer  Club  Vice-Pre  ident  11;
                                            Letter II                                Photography  Club 11; Key  Club 11,12; Academic Club  11,12;
                                            "'Life  i  not fair, especially when )"ou·re  short."
                                                                                     Te  n Age Republicans 12; Boy's  tate 11,  tudent of the Day
                                                                                     II; Academic Letter II; Who's Who in American High  cbools
                                            BRE. 'DA G  YLE RICHARD
    J. J. Q  ILL I..                                                                 10.11,12;. 'ational :lferit  cholar Commendation  12; Wood-
    3-15-71                                                                          men of tbe World Award  10
                                            Lak  City, FL
    Perry, Ga.                                                                       ..I'm outta  here"
                                            Homecoming Events 10,11,12; French Club 10,12; FHA 10; In-
    \torching Band  10,11, Concert Band 10,11; VIC A  11
                                            teract  10,11;  Dance  Club  12; JV  wim  Team  Manager  II;   TIMMOTHY C.  CEAL
                                            Youth Council 10,11, Chairman of Projects II; Volleyball II
                                                                                     WILLIA\1  KE..  ETH  CHO. 'E\IA.'
                                            \IARTHA A'\'!10  RICHARDSO.
                                                                                     Rhinebech,  ·y
                                                                                     \I arching Band 10,11, Jazz Band 11; DECA 11,12, President
                                                                                     12; Student of the Day  11,12; Homecoming Event  11,12
                                            Lake City, Fl.
                                                                                     "Avoid tbe  · oid"
   DAVID  KEITH  R  ULER  0.                FBLA  10; CBE  11,12, President 12
   .. Rusty"                                ..~o L'  didn•t"
                                                                                     LE  LIE  HARP
   9-6-71                                                                            3-29-71
   Lake City, Fl.                           JA!VIE  WILL  RIG  BY                    Lake City, Fl.
   VICA  11,12;  panish Club  10            8-8-71
                                            Gainesville, FL                          RA'I'  l.  HEP  RD
   KEVI!II   RAULERSO.                      Key Club  11; \'ICA  12; Wrestling 10; Cbeerleading 12   6-12-70
                                                                                     Dover,. ·J
   Jack  onville, Fl.                                                                \'1  A 10,11,12
   Band 10,11,12; Honor  ociety 10,11,12; Beta Club 12. \fu AI-  ELIZABETH M.  ROBERT
                                                                                     "Don't  ·orry  be  happy"
                                                                                                  E.  lOR DIRECTORY  235
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