Page 241 - chs-1989
P. 241

K•Y  ( Jub  10;  Interact  II ;  Volleyball  10,11,12;  Softball  10;   l.t.Sl.Jf,  Lt.ROY  WL TOS   7-27· 71
   frtD<h  Club  11                        10· 17·70                                Jack  on ville, Fl.
                                           \liami, Fl.                              Hom  com toe Event  10,11,12;  r  ncb Club IO:Mu  lpba Th  •
   ()I JIRI( K  (,.  r  t.LI ,             na  k  tball                             ta 12:.  tud  nt of tbe Day  II ;  Beta Club  12;  t  dent Council
                                                                                    Repre  ntattve 10,11: Youth Counctl  10.11;   c~rette Dance
   ~IJ(}II.I.Il.  LORt.  ·t. Tl'RBt.VJl.l.f,   BRIAN TODD  WILLIAM .·               Tum 10,11,12, Co-Captain 11, Caplatn 12; Leo  lub 12; Inter·
   •Mi  y"                                 11· 12-71                                act  10,11,12;  Acad  mic  letter  11;   nor  Cia  1  Executive
   1-11·71                                 Jack  on viii  ,  f I.                   Committ   12; Cboru  12; Dance Club Officer  II
   Laktland,  f I.                         Spani  b  Club  10;  Moth  r  Earth  Ecolocy  Club  10,11 ; T  nni   "Dad-&ummit! com  here  ~ 'OW!"
   tren<h ( Jub 10,1 2; Art< lub 12, Orric  r·al·Larre 12; CHAO   T  am  11; Hom  coming Event  10,11,12; 110.  A 12; Cia   R  •
   ll ,l2. Sit.· at•  rm  12; Drama Club 12; Beta Club 12;  enior   pr  entativ  11 ,12; Faculty Honor   ward 11 ; Computer Club   TOBY  LAMAR WITT
   Cia   Play  11,12;  11om  comin(  f.v  nto  10,11,12;  Mu  Alpha   II ; Prom  Committ   11   11 · 28·71
   Tbtta  10,11;  tud  nt of tb  Day  II; Academic T  am  12   ... But  I don't  know  why!"   Lake Ctty,  t I.
   •1 alway  t  II the truth,  xc  pt for   h  n  I  li  ."                         Band  10,11,12
                                           (  HADWICK  WARD  WILLIAM.
   1\'E.'IoDY  Sl' E TllR .  t,R           3· 22-71                                  NGELA  MARl  WOODH  M
   9-16-71                                  aldo  ta, Ga.                           12-4·71
   'L p  t  r  bur1. Fl.                   Ba  k  tballll,l2; Key  Club  12         Lak  Ctty,  Fl.
   )(.- Club  10,11;  11om  comtng  f.v  nt  10.12;  FBLA  10;   rt                 French Club 10,11, Fr  ncb Comp  tttion II, FE  11; HO  A 12
   Club  II; 110  A  12,.   r  tary  12    DAVID  1. WIJ,LI  \1                      tud  nt of tb  Day  11,12
   •rra  1oan1  hopping!"'                                                          .. That*• coolr"
   Jt.FFR!Y  RAY  TYRt.                                                             TRI. "IT  DE. "I  E WOODY
   10· 1 1·70                              Kl  LO  • ' ORA  fiOBIA  WILUA\1.        11· 2  ·71
   Lak  ( ity, f I.                        3·21 · 71                                Gaine  'ille,  Fl.
   football10.11 ,12; W  i  htlifting 10,1 1,12; FBLA 10,11 ;  pan·
                                           Lak  Ctty, Fl.                           Flac Corp  10; DCT 11; CBE 12; Hon  coming  vent  10,11,12,
   1  b Club  10,11; Cboru  10,11,12       Band  10,11,12;  Track  10,11,12;  JROTC  10,12;  FHA  Parlia·   Hom  comtng Court  10,11,12
                                           m  ntarian 12; Youth Counctl II ;  enior Cia   Executive orr;.   .. Why  b   o  common'!"
                                           cer 12; L  o Club 12; McKni  bt Achiever I 1,12: Afro·  meri·
                                           can IIi  tory Club;  r. R  pr   ntati-. 12, Homecoming E-.nt   DOYLE  LTO.  WORTHI'IiGTO.
                                           12, Who'  Who in  merican Hich  cbool  11   12-29·71
                                           ..  ot in  tbi  lit  "                   Lake City, Fl.
                                                                                    VICA  10; Art Club 12
   ROBERT  A. V   DEVORE!'\                Lt.IGH AN!'\   WILLI  \1.
                                           Gatne  viii  , Fl.
   11·2  ·71
   Ltwi  ton, !'liY                        \tELI!IiD  DEA  !li  WILLIA!Ii
   SwimmiDI  10,1 1,12;  Track  10,11;   cad  mic  L  tl  r  11,12;   3 · 1·71
   FBLA  12; K  y Club  10; CHAOS 10;  cad  mic Team  12; Beta
                                           Palatka, Fl.
    ub  12; Com put  r  (  lub 10,1 I,  il·al·Arm  I I; llomecominc                        LEE  Y.~RGH .
                                           Key Club 10.11;  panish Club II ; CBE 12: L  o Club 11; FBL~   RA\10.
   E•••t  10,11,12.  T   na   Republican  Chatrman  12;  Who'
                                           10; Hom  cominc EHnt  10,11;  tudent of the  Day  II   1·5·71
   \\bo Among Am  rican !Itch  cbool  ' tud  nts  12;  Boy'  Stat
                                           ~Zap the Cap"                            Gain  viii  , Fl.
   12: Photography Club II ; Student oftbe Day  10; Dual Enroll·                    Choru  10,11; FHA  11; Homecoming Events  12
   mtot  12, (omm  nd  d  'ational  \terit Scholar  12: State  'ci·
                                           PIIYLLI .   !'liN  WILLIA\1.             "Wubba. wubba,  ubba Wanna picture"
   Wtll. bonk  m}  boot  r,  I 1raduat  di
                                           Lake Cit), Fl.                            IICH  EL ERIC  Y  T
                                           .. tr ~ou tan't beoat "em  JOID  "em"     10-22-71
                                                                                    Lak~ Ctty, Fl.
                                            'ID!'IiEY  WILLI  M.                    Football  10;  Ba  eball  10,11,12;  Basketball 12:  French  Club
                                           1· 1· 71                                  10.11; llomecomin   vents 10,11,12
                                                                                     " Be\  man,  Be  e  Coool!"
                                           Royal, Fl.
                                           Football 10,11,12: Weightlifttn  10.11,12: Track 10:  tud  nt
                                                                                     \RLE.  11\ . II CHELLE YOt: .  G
   \~  DREA  RENEE. W  LDRO.               of Day
   9·28·71                                 " Play  to  win"
                                                                                     Lak  City, Fl.
   Gaioe  vtlie,  Fl.
   \olleybali 10.11,12; . oftball10,11,12;  pani  h Club IO: CHA·   TEPHA'IE  1.  \\ILLIA.I.   FHA  12; Perfect  \ttendance  12 year
   0  12; Youth Council 10; Homecoming f . vent  10.11,12: fB  \   3·2-71
                                                                                     DO  UD J . YOL  G
   10.11.12                                Chari  ton,  II.
                                                                                     JA!'IiA  KAY  YO~NG
    'o!Y  W \LKER                          TERRI T. WILLIA\1.
                                                                                     1·9· 71
                                                                                     \lorcan City , Lo.
   JlLIE LYNN  WARD                        TRACY  DAW!'\  WILLIA  L
   7·2  -71                                12·27-70                                  FBLA 10,11,12, Fundra  er Chairman:  tudent of the Day 11;
                                                                                     CBE 11,12; ~cad  mic Tum 12  Homecoming Event  10.11,12
   Lake City, FL                           Lak~ City, t I.
   11om  coming  Events  10.1,12; Drill T  am  10.11; Interact  12   FHA  12;  Dane  Club  12: Choru  10,11
                                           ... friendh, h  lpful. a  good  listerner and cr&t)."
   TII0\1  S  SCOTT W .\RD
   10·2  ·71                               LA \'IT\  HAR\IEI.  WILLIA\1 . 0!\i'
   Lake City, t I.                          -2~·71
                                           \1orristown.  ~J
   1\E\ I~ M. \\ AR  f.R                   Band 10; Youth Council 10,11,12: Homeroom  Repr~ ~ntativ
   11·13-70                                10; Key Club 11,12; E  ecuti.e Committ   12: Choru  10.11 ,12,
   Hou  ton. Tx.                           Vocal  Ensembl  10.11,12;  FilA  11;  Afro·.  m~rican Hi  tory
   Band. Jazz Band  10.11,12               Club  12;, pani  b  Club  12: Homecoming E•ents  10,11,12   I.  GRID CHRI  TI!'\E ZECHER
                                            •SmtJe:  omeooe  I   &JW&)   WOf   of( th&D  you,"
                                                                                     Lak~ City ,  Fl.
   Jt.  ~!fER WATf.RS
                                            ,'TEPHANIE \II( HELE WIL  o:o;            tudent  of  the  Day  11;  french  Club  10;  \lu   lpha  Theta
   . IIARO~ DEN!.  E WATKI                  11-27-71                                 10.11,12;Honor. oci  ty  10.11,12:BetaCiub11,12: Homecom·
   11·~·70                                  Lak~ City, t I.                          ing E'  nt  10,11,12:  FBLA  10.11 ; Academic  T  am  12;  ~ca­
   Lak  City, fl.                           Art Club 12; OCT 12; lot  ract 11; Youth Council11; FBLA 10;   demic Letter  11
   Cboru  10,11,12; \tal Girl  12           Homecoming Events 10.11,12:  tud~nt of th  Dai 10,11; Dra·
                                            ma Club  12                              CARLA J . ZIEGLER
   TERI  LORRAI  t; W  T  '0!'0
   11· 16·71                                ERICKA TIFF   ·y WITT                    E\IILIE A. "!'liETTE  Zl!'\  ZER
   \!loot,  ~D                              7·  ·71                                  5· 21·71
   J\' (b  rl  ad  r  10, Var  ity  Cb  rl  ad~r 11, 12:  Homeroom   Jack  onville, f I.   Land. downe. Penn.
   Rtpr   ntative 10,12; Youth Council  10, Publicity Chairman   (  horus  I 0,11, 12, Columbia  in  ers  1 0,11,12,  enior Execu·   Spani  h  Club  10; Art Club 12; OCT  12
   II, \fu Alpha Th  ta 11,  ·weetb  art 12; Beta Club 11,12; CHA·   tiv  Committe  12; Key Club 11,12; CHAO.  11; Homecomin
   OSlO:  rtCiub 12;llom  cominct.vent  10,11,12;trencbCiub   Eventsl0.11,12; Marchini Band 11,Jazz Ens  mble 11;  enior
   10,   r  tary  10; Spant  h  Club  11; Interact  12   Cia   Play  11,12; Drama Club  12
                                           "Don't los  your  toe  •. • I don't play that  c  n  ... I've got
   DA~IE 1.  DO~GI ~\  Wt.BER               bop  in  my  oul (and it'  burning  lik~ fire)."
   1· 1·71
   \liami, t I.                             GE!'\EVIF.\ E  ELIZABETH  WITT
   J\' Ba  ball  10; Key  (lub  10; Spani  h  Club  II; Soccer 12   .. Giai*'
                                                                                                  'E  lOR DIRE  TORY  237
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