Page 129 - chs-1990
P. 129
Health Occupations Students of America
'HOSA officers front - LaVelle George, Vice President; Jennifer Carr, President. back - Esther
Holcombe, Secretary; Jodi Hampton, Parliamentarian; Ami DuBose, Treasurer; Windy Rossin, Histori-
Our HOSA Region II theme was
'Congratulations, Jennifer, on a JOb well done! Presi·
dent Sweetheart, Jennifer Carr. 'Windy Rossin "United to serve, committed to car-
ing." That is exactly what the health
smiles pretty.
field is all about. We were a part of
this by assisting at the V.A. Medical
Center and Tanglewood each day,
having a blood drive, working in
coke booths, and attending compe-
titions and conferences. We also
had two members, Jennifer Carr,
historian, and LaVelle George,
president, elected to Regional of-
Thank you Mrs. Hollilday, officers,
and all members for an active and
exciting year!!
- Jennifer Carr
' Am1 Dubose and Clara Ball ride in HOSA's F1rst Aid
truck in the homecoming parade. ' Mrs. Holliday,
sponsor, takes t1me out for a picture.
HOSA 125