Page 228 - chs-1990
P. 228

Th1s past year has kept our country, our world,
          and  our town  buzzmg  with  activities
            The  United  States  has  elected  a  new  Presi-
          dent w1th  new 1deas. Only the future  can tell  us
          whether these ideas are good or bad. The world
          has gone through  a  year of disaster and  hope.
          The worst d1sasters seemed to be conquered by
           the  tremendous  amount  of hope  Lake City has
           also had a busy year.  Snow was only the begm-
           nmg  to  the  " we1rd"  year  to  come.
            The yearbook staff hopes that when you  look
           back at this yearbook'" 10 to 20 years, you will
           remember that each of these events shaped his-
           tory  Although they may not have seemed impor-
                                             The  lsraei-Palenstine  War  has  been  the  cause  of  many  grievances.  This  emotional  picture  shows  a  woman
           tant at the t1me, they have had a large impact on
                                             mourning  the  loss  of  her  home.
           our  lives

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