Page 230 - chs-1990
P. 230
In late May and early June, tens of thousands of Chinese pro-democracy protestors gathered in
Tiananmen Square in Beijing to seek political change. Their protest ended in a massacre. Govern·
ment soldiers, using tanks and automatic weapons, ended the protest. Thousands were killed and
wounded. The Chinese leadership decided to rewrite history as if it never happened, but the tragedy
will not be forgotten by the Chinese people and hopefully we will also remember the bloody days with
disgust and anger.
Sov1et Pres1dent Mikhail S. Gorbachev instituted many liberal reforms in
Russia and strengthened ties between his government and the U.S. He is
also the man who mtroduced us to the word "glasnost" (openness). The first
Russian McDonalds was opened in Moscow in January '90.
Border guards stand atop the Berlin Wall, awaiting re·
action to the opening of East-West German borders on
Friday afternoon, November 10, 1989. There was great
jubilation after the opening, with thousands of East Ger·
mans moving into the West after border crossing points
were opened. After the wall of hate cracked, other
Communist regimes fell like a row of dominoes. The
people of Poland, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary,
Romania, and Bulgaria all stood up and started a fiery
fight for democracy.