Page 256 - chs-1990
P. 256


       A      LOll feu CoUri>io Hgh th.donts ollondod Glrll Stole In Totlcll'alo.  Floftdo.  Plctued tom toll ore RONe Poll MOn. N  td  &own.
       T      ond Erin Rooce. Nol plctuod II LOU'o Ooldo.  Tho glrllllloyod foro wool< on the Ftorldo Stole lJ"-'IIy carp.JS ond palldpotod  In mall'
              gowrrmontol odi\Aitel.  Waa I  o greol. f\ro GOCpOrionce?  Tho  lr\Ah moy be told  1:)\1  the 011orwh<lirT*>g  choloe ot the  'li>OIIIdot'  Gl~•
              Stole """0  'Oo)4ghl oome ond WE  W~T 10 GO HOMOI'  ~o oome bod trnclo. thore wore good momont1 .  Oty Ito  WOI  the  bell
              tme fa.,_.,..,....  t  wosln the dtlos ttot tCIIIhg fll~ wore formod  M  feu gl~• woro olodod to dty 00<1>c1  In th<W  roopoct1ve
       l!     dtiGL  On the tlole kMII.  LOU'O  ond  Erin  both workod  aa  pogos on the Sonote  floor  R..,_ ""'' choson to bo  the Stole Cou1s
              A'*"'*''IIIJator  ol the~- Cou1 of Sorrr.ole.  In this capoclty, r.e touod the Loon Ca<ny COlli  sylllem ond wos o  port of the
              Collomor1 Coblnol  Nldd  waa olectod 1:)\1  ho<  CO<rly to the 'Sorri1ole Stole' Houso of RoprooontaHwL  Horo r.e dobotod bill wtth
              'leglllotas' tom ol OliO<  the lllato ond ganod ln\O.Joblo loglliotlllo oxporlonco.  Ronoolhorod wfth the othor dtzoro ol PoloHco  the
              oddlttonol honor o1  the most  spl~tod ely - 'Tho Mghty Moor-. of PaoHco.'  Pdotl<o dorT*latod the Jpi'l """1'0Htlon throughout the
              -  ond rolded the hol1 wtth ltloor 'splrtlll1c:lc' oftO< the prooontatlon.  At the ond ol the wook thoro waa""""' o light  bit  of IOdno• - of
              le<M'Q now tlendL  Aft or pJttng both the bod (no r::t>or- ond no guys) ond the good <h1onds ond 01<porlonce) Into poupodtve. lt
              wos cortoHy o "'*.>abbe oxporlorce ond o -  wath oHondlng
                                                                                      The week after the Girls Staters leh, 500 young men from all
                                         c                                            over Florida descended on Talahassee for Boys State.  Flve
                                                                                      students from CHS attended. They were (top) Oenc Newton,
                                                                                     Reaves Cole, Shaun Grubb, (bonom) Mike Federico, and Klambe
                                                                                        Tu116il.  The boys partiCipated In government acttVaoes
                                         0                                            throughout the week.  They were drvtded Into polrttcal part18S,
                                                                                      whiCh gave them a bener understanding of the party system -
                                                                                      the legtSiattve party system that Is.  De ric Newton was chosen
                                         L                                           by t.s peers to be the Amencan~sm Speaker from hos city.  The
                                                                                      boys came home exhausted from all of the  actlv~ies, but had
                                                                                             thouroughly enjoyed their week.

                                         A                                             The Hug> O'Brian Youtl Leadorohip Sornnar!Awanl wao
                                                                                       preoent.d 10  Melinda Hartoy  Ttn 11  awarded 10 1ho oophcmore
                                                                                       who lhowa tle grNtelt INderlhrp and  &«VVCe  In May, lyndy
                                                                                       attended 1ho  oornnar In Talleha .... With  ot.r oophomores tom
                                                                                       Nortl Ronde  She &pent ""' tn  ltle capi1ot  bul<ing meetng
               Julie McNeill                         Carrie DeCenzo                    I>Aineu feeders and govonmontal olliciats  H08Y 11  not jult a
                                                                                       tocaJ  -atd, but Ia  a nalonal organzaoon loo..ndod by Hug,
                                                                                       O'Brian (AKA Wyatt  Earp)  It  has a ••onv ah.rmi auoclaoon
                  2>CIENCE                           2>0CIAL  2>TUDIE2>                ltlet hold&  Mmnaro ltlrouftoout 1ho yoer  and  travolo 10 many
                                                                                       different  cOU"'triec
       P.R.I.O.E.,  or  Program  to  Recognize  lnttlatlve  and  Otstincllon  In  Education,  Is  awarded  to  students  who  score  In  the  90th
       percenttle  or  above  on  the  ACT,  have  a  3.0  average  or  higher,  and  are  enrolled  In  the  fourth  consecutive  year  of  study  in
       the  subject.  The  English  student  must  also  submtt  a  portfolio  of  literay  works.  The  four  distnct  winners  are  those  who
       have  the  highest  scores  based  on  the  above  criteria.  Those  four  students  go  on  to  the  next  level  of  competition.
                   MATH                                    ENGLI~H
   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261