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May, 29, 1990


           For  the  first  time  in  several  years  the  annual  Awards  Program
           was  held  at  night.  Mrs.  Carol  Kelly,  Dean  of  Women,  served  as
           the  Mistress  of  Ceremonies,  Kim  Steward  gave  the  welcome,
           and  Mr.  Herring  introduced  the  guests.   The  evening  was
           dedicated  to  honoring  those  hard  - working  and  deserving  people
           who  have  given  their  all  to  gain  valuable  scholarships  and
           significant  honors.

           The  presentation  of  awards  began  with  a  surprised  Tamra  Pope
           receiving  the  prestigious  Anne  Knight  Award  for  excellence  in
          journalism.  It  was  a  long  but  often  touching  evening.  Special
           moments  in  the  ceremony  came  when  the  Ken  Kirkland  Tennis
           Scholarship  was  presented  by  his  mother  to  Grady  Moore  for
           showing  the  characteristics  exemplified  by  Ken  Kirkland.  Donna
           Outlaw  received  the  renamed  Brenda  K.  Johns  Tigerette
           Scholarship  given  in  memory  of  Brenda.   Mrs.  Bettye  Lane  was
           stunned  when  Mr.  Anderson  presented  her  with  $500  from  the
          Jay  Anderson  Future  Award.   Mr.  Danny  Owens  received
           $1,000  to  buy  art  supplies  for  the  school  from  Mr.  Anderson.

           There  were   iron ic  twists  to  the  evening's  proceedings  when
           the  DAR  American  History  Award  was  won  by  Kristin  Solli,  a
           Foreign  Exchange  student  from  Norway.  Later  in  the  evening,
           another  exchange  student,  lngve  Walle, won  the  CHS  American
           History  Award.
          Thousands  of  dollars,  beautiful  plaques,  certificates,  and  many
          smiling  faces  went  home  with  students  and  parents.
                                                                          Kristin Solli endeared herself to many while visiting CHS.  Her
                                                                         knowledge  of  American  History  was  recognized  at  the
                 Community Awards and Scholarships                       A.L.  Green Memorial Scholarship - Kiambe Tunsil
                      Anne Knight Journalism  - Tamra Pope        Air Force Math \  Science Award - Chris Waldron. Julie McNeill
                       E.J. Long Journalism - Amy Douberly            Business and Professional Women - Virginia Green
               U of  F Gator Club - Merry Jennifer George. Chris Waldron       ITT Rayonler - Leigh SWisher
                 Rotary Club Scholarships- Tammy Hunter. Elisha Hillis.     First Federal Savings - Tracie David
                          Attanla Jean. EvEl!'ett  Gill. Kay Neely, Kim Borst   Wal - Mart - Carrie DeCenzo
                       Rotary Club Athletic  - Brett Adams   Quarterback Club Scholarship - Cindy Garner. Danny Marsee. Brett Adams
                      Rotary Club Citizenship - Brett Adams       Chamber o f Commerce Excellence In Education - Erin Reece
                   Occidental Chemical Corporation - Erin Reece       American Pride \  Gateway  Kiwanis - Alex Amparo
              American Association of  University Women - Beverly Thomas   Ken Kirkland Tennis Scholarship - Grady Moore
                     Lions Club - Mike Thomson. Tammy Hunter                  Lioness Club - Tammy Hunter
          Columbia Association of  Educational Office Personnel- Tammy Hun   Phi Delta Kappa Collegians - Kim Steward. Tab Davis
               Jay Anderson Future Award - Danny Owens. Bettye Lane        Alpha Delta Kappa - Tammy Hunter
                           Elks Club - Leigh SWisher             Stone Container Corporat1on- Usa Cox.  Mike Perry.  Jason Cupit
                            NAACP - Kiambe Tunsil                   U.S. Army Scholar Athlete - Brett Adams. Cindy Garner
                     Dr. Bates Best Girl Athlete - Cindy Gamer           Clay Electric Corporation - Alex Amparo
               Columbia County Extent1on Homemakers - Leigh SWisher    Columbia  Administrators. Staff.  and Teachers
                           DAR History - Kristin Solll                   Scholarship - Nikki Brown. Beverly Thomas
                          DAR Citizenship - Nikki Brown                  National Merit  Finalist- Renee Patterson
              American Legion - Grade 10 - Sean Bankston. l assie Eubanks   National Merit Commended Student- Julie McNeill
                     Grade 11  - Alex Amparo, Jamlna Sclpplo       Brenda  K.  Johns Tigerette  Scholarship - Donna Outlaw
                       Grade 12 - Brett Adams. Nikki Brown       Mr. James Montgomery Scholarship - Kim Dekle. Dedra Derosia
                                                                     Chapple James  Teaching Scholarship - Kim Steward
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