Page 257 - chs-1990
P. 257
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The Voice of Democracy scriptwritlng competition is held each year at CHS, and always anracts a large number of
competitors. The subject was "Why I am proud of America·. The school winners were, from left, Todd Baker, 3rd;
Alex Amparo, tst; and Mike Harlow, 2nd. Alex then taped his script at a radio station to send ~ to d1strlct and
state competition.
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Kimberly Steward was selected by the school's
ocrniristratlon to be the representative for the Cloy
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Copilot met wtth teverol i8Q1slolon end goverrmentol
offiCials. ond 111slled the heodquorlers of the Rorido
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D.C. and was selected based upon her scores on a
written Q.Jiz and speech. Kim spolce on "What I Uke
cbout America.' The week of June 18. Kim mode a
~~~~~~~~ g~~~at~~s D~~:~!s ~~
success to being on 'Erudite Wheeler1lel'
Renee Panerson was selected as the Columbia High
School Dreamer and Doer for exemplifying
DAit These characteristics are known as the four C's -
characteristics IdealiZed by the late Walt Disney.
Curios~y. Confidence, Courage, and Constancy. In
addition to representing Columbia High School, Renee
was chosen by the School Superintendant to represent
Colurrilla County at a special ceremony In Wah
Disney Wor1d. At the ceremony In the Contel1'1>orary
Resort Hotel, Renee was presented the Dreamers
and Doers medal by T empesn Bledsoe from BC's
- Pononon end JUie McNolll.,..ed tlo Nltionel Mont Cosby Show. She and her guests were then
c..,..,.non Will o- one mllon o""' .,_ n tler ~or year entertained w~h a show by the Kids of the Kingdom.
The c..,..,.uon Is baled on acoroa on tle PSAT JU!o McNOtn was
nomed •• 1 Corrmondod SllJdent, one of tle top 50,000 lludonts
noti""""dt A..- woo first nomed 11 1 Seml- ftnolls~ one oltle top
500 1~ n t>e siAl to Thlllnll judging Is baled on SAT acores ••
Well II oddlionel IT'IIINflol Cofrnu>ty end OX .. oCUTiCIAif octvliOS The DAR good aizonsl'op oward "IT'"" to o sllJdent who
end • poroonol ossoy _,. some of tle Anlll cnterio In Jonuory, exhibits ""''' of leodorshil> , dopondob•~ty. MMCo, ond
-d woo ..-.t t>et A.._ hod boon dtdared o Fnols~ one oltle top po\'loism In homo, school, lnd COI'IVTIInly Tho loC\Aty lolocts
eooo •~ nationwide Ttls INidt hor oli9blo lor one oltll ""'"Y sll..<lents basod on tle obovo quohftcoions The k&t il tlon !JVon
Nltionel Mont Scholarshipo!T'on ooch yeor to the senior dau, who vote1 for httr choice N1kkl Bro¥«1
WOI loloctod by hor pllr$ to rOCOIYO tn honor