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Sw~mm~rng A'lY&Il'dls                                                  I
                                                                                                 PERFECT ATTENDANCE
                                               Most Valuable- lngve Walle                             loth grade
                                                      Lori Geibieg                            Malcolm Gambles      6  'yTS
            Notional FFA Organization          Most Improved - Everett Gill                   Narvette V. Kelly     11  'yTS
                  State Awards                       Marni Vedova           MATH FAIR         Marton l'vloUtrle     9'yTS
                                                                                              Amnda Petty
              Ron Palmer - State Finalist    Coach's Award - Chris Waldron    TENTH           Travis D. Richards   lly-B
                Agriculture Production                Mary Hanks        Greg Thompson- 1st    Deborah L. Tyre       lOyrs
              Wally Noah - State Finalist                               Robert Crawford - 2nd   Ronketa T. Wilson   11  YB
                 Turf and Landscape                                    Kumar! Anderson- 3rd           11th grade
              Cindy Smith - State Finalist       All A's            Sean Bankston- Hon. Mention  Gaelan Bishop
                  SWine Production                                  Breena Bunton  - Hon. Mention  Charles L.  Lambert   12'r1S,
      Aaron Summers - State FFA Degree Recipient   12th Grade               ELEVENTH          Jamina Scippio         9y-B
        Ron Palmer- State FFA Degree Recipient   Jennifer Adams           Mack Kelly- 1st     Mir1ene A. stuart     llyrs
        Cindy Smith - State FFA Degree Recipient   Donna Outlaw          Yngve Walle - 2nd    Johnny E. Wilcox II   10'y1S
         Keith O'Stien - Sub-Distrlct Tractor Driver   Mellisa Ross       Mary Hanks - 3rd    D. Travis Williams    8'y1S
                                                11th Grade            Tlna Boris- Hon. Mention        12th grade   12 yrs
                                                Kristine Hirtz        Krissy Hirtz- Hon. Mention   Terry Alan Bennett
                                                 lOth Grade                                                         12'y1S
                                                                             TWELFTH          Talmadge 'Tab' Davis   13 yrs.
                                                Allison Taylor            Page Purvis - 1st   Deric Deon Newton
                                                                                                                    7 'y'I'S.
                                                                         Tamra Pope- 2nd      Dawn Melaine Parker   13 yrs
    I  _________________ .L_ ___  __ ___.JL_ __ -:-:-:--:-:-Ju:-l-:ie_M-=c-=N~e-ill_-_3r_d __  Michael Lee Pennington   12 yrs.
                     CLUB PRESIDENTS                                Science Awards           Tracy Lynn Thomson    10 yrs
            Afro-American History Club - Nicole Brown                   Regional                                        I
                  Alpha Club - Charlie Pelon!               Mack Kelly -1st. Medicine and Health
                      Art aub - Beth Gall                    Tony Flegert- 1st. Earth and Space                         I
                Beta Club - Merry Jennifer George               Penni Herndon- 2nd. Botany                              I
         Cooperative Buisness Education - Denise Bandemer   Pam Register- 3rd. Behavioral and Social Science            I
      Cooperative Education Club of  Florida - Michele Mobley   Julie Shiver- 3rd. Medicine and Health
                 C. H. A. 0. S.  - Peggy Mahoney      Mike Kazmierski- 1st. Behavioral and Social Science
                   D.  E.  C. A.- Jason Thomas                                                   All - Conference Athletel
                   Drama Club - Mike Harlow                   Kris Sedmera- 1st  Environmental
                    F.  B.  L.A.- Matt Powers             Sabrina Holliday- 1st. Medicine and Health   Cindy Garner - VolleybaH
                     F.  F. A.- Larry Nettles                    Erin Reece- 1st. Zoology           Mitch Shoup - Football
        F. H. A. 1 H.  E.  R. 0. -Andrea Johnson & Makeba Rentz   Blue Thomas - 1st. Microbiology   Shaw Coleman - Wrestling
                  French Club - Greg Mackey            Mary Hanks- 2nd behavioral and Social Science   Kim  Lynch- Tennis
                    F.  E. A.- Laura Nunnley                Christine Dinges - 2nd Environmental    Shayne Edge - Football
                 Horticulture - Shayne Morgan                  Mark Wheeler- 2nd Zoology           John Thompson - Track
                    H.  0. S.  A. -Jennifer Carr                         STATE                      Grady Moore - Tennis
                    Interact - Leigh Swisher           Sabrina Holliday- Special Award for Outstanding   Dekoven Belvin - Basketba!
                  Key Club - Amber Roberson                           Project. U of  F               Andy Creel - Tennis
                  LEO Club- Tara Bradtmueller                                                     T ernlta Green - Basketball
                Mu Alpha Theta - Mike Federico         Kris Sedmera- 3rd. Environmental. Special Award   Brett Adams - Baseball
              National Honor Society - Julie McNeill               in honor of Earth Day 1990        Carl Ste-Marie - Golf
               Photography Club - Renee Patterson      Mark Hanks- Outstanding Project Award from the   Tony Camlel - Football
                 Spanish Club - Carrie De Cenzo               U of  F and the Florida Association of   Tab Davis- Tennis
                    V.I. C. A.- Marvin Page                            Psychologists               Micava Williams - Track
                                                                                                    Mike Rogers - Baseball
                                                                                                  Michael Cooper - Footbal
                      HOSA REGIONAL                            Wrestling Awards                     David Davis - Football
             1st Place - Job seeking skills - Jennifer Carr   Most Valuable Varsity- Shaw Coleman   Danny Marsee - Football
        1st Place - Medical Assisting Clerical - Windy Rossin   Most Valuable J.V.- Buck Brown      Sherry Parker - Softball
        4th Place - Medical Assisting Clerical - Shauna Carter   Most Improved Varsity - Jon Ritch   Ryan Westover - Soccer
             4th Place- Opticianary- Josh Townsend        Most Pins Varsity- Todd Bowers
                           STATE                          Jay Anderson GPA- Shoun Grubb                                 I
             1st Place - Job Seeking Skills - Jennifer Carr   David Clemons Spirit - Dustin Bass
        3rd Place - Medical Assisting Clerical - Windy Rossin   Tlger Award - Chris Forbes
                                                           Coach's Award - Klambe Tunsil
                                                                          Football Awards
                      Math League
                                                                    M.V.P Junior Varsity- Roger Allen
                   1st- Bobby Heckathorne
                    2nd - Kathy Lestock                               M.V.P. Varsity- Mike Cooper
                     3rd - Joey German                          Outstanding Offensive Back - George Allen
         4th- Sean Bankston. Mack Kelly. Howle Moseley.        Outstanding Offensive Uneman - Mitch Shoup
                     Jeremiah Slaymaker                      Outstanding Offensive Receiver- John Thompsson
                                                               Outstanding Defensive Uneman - David Davis
                                                              Outstanding Defensive Linebacker- Tony Camlel             !
                                                                Outstanding Defensive Back - Mike Rodgers
              P.  R.I. D.  E.  (Program to Recognize               J.V. Scholar/Athlete- Tony Flegart
                                                                  Varsity Scholar/Athlete- Brett Adams
            Initiative and Distinction In Education)          Coaches Awards- Brett Adams. Shayne Edge, &               I
      English-  Christopher Waldron,  Belinda Knight.  Derick Newton         Danny Marsee
         Math-  Renee Patterson,  Donna  McNeill. Carl  Ste-Marl       Most Improved - Clint Dicks                      I
         Science- Julie Me Neill, Brett Adams.  Renee Patterson.       Most Spirit- Daniel Fulton
         Paige Purvis. Erin Reece.  Carl Ste-Marle,  Chris Waldron
        Social  Studies-  Carrie DeCenzo,Merry Jennifer George,          Volleyball Awards
             Elizabeth Hemphill.  Attania Jean. Julie McNeill,
          Desiree Michaels,  Renee Patterson. Chris Reynolds,      Most Valuable Player- Cindy Garner
                    Jamie Tolgo. Chris  Waldron                      Best Offensive Player - T erl Apel
                                                                    Best Defensive Player- Joyce Lang
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