Page 265 - chs-1990
P. 265

Pari31ene D~mcers are: Laure Hcl<inneY. Renee Reeder,   El~ Villase Haidens are front: Handi Busscner. Kay   Gypsoes al'"e kneelinS: Bl'"enda Church and Stacy Wills.
                                                                                 Standirls: K"orn  Smoth. Tia Banthel'", Ratricia Wolloams. and
     Ratricia Wiliams. Laura Dekle, Tia Banthe:r, Recee Not-ros.   NeelY. Hidde: Laura Gililand. Back: T a wanda Baker and   Line Peterson. Not poctured: Thel'"ese Adenmark and
     and Arrber Roberson. Not poctured: Sandy Horris.   Teresa Clemmons. Not poctured: Amy Ashby and Vicki
                                           l("rby.                               Leslie Peeler.

                                                                                Goldfish are: "\onica OwenbY. Lr>e Peterson. Harlene
     Palace Dancers are: AbbY Stuart. Jeanie Gray, Crystal   Palace Guards are: Rom a Dtissers, T assie Eubanks. Beth   Bulard. Lori Cook. and Genose Harrison. Kneelins os  Shane
     Nelson, Katrina Vinzant. Julie Shiver, and Dawn Nelson.   Bersen. Leia Adams. Aornee West. and Alecia
                                           Chassereau.                          RusseL

                                           Dance Contest Finaists "5 are kneelinS: Kmsy Hrtz.   Freda. The Fref~: 11ochele P&.Phides. ToiY. The T.Whawk:
     Ladies in W ailins  fl'"ont row: T ammv Hunter. Kel'"i LinQuist.             Krosta Kab. Gida. The Goldfosh: Patti Wott.
     Jennter Carr. Pam ReSister. Back row: Recee Not-m. Ki"n   TW'Aah Dunmore. Carol Gott. Heissa Henderson. and
                                           WndV Rossin. StandinS: Dawn Nelson. Julie Shiver, Jenna
     Steward. Jenoa Hever. and Natalie Hiler.
                                           HeYer. Amber Robei'"Son, and Laura Dekle. Not poctured:
                                           Sandy Horris.

      Freriies in front row splits: Lon Davis. Drucla Sapp,   Forl'"est Spirits are kneelonS: Bats- Dawn Nelson. 1-ichele
      BeCky Robbins, and Rima Drissers. Kneelins: AmY Dekle.   P&.Phides. Renee Reeder. StandinS: Ghosts- Julie Shiver.
      Rota Rhea. and Aimee West. Standirls: T assie Eubanks.   Crystal Nelson, Usa Cox. and Jeanie Gray. Skeletons-
                                           Katrina Vonzant. Krissy Hrtz, Tona Borns. and Krosta Kab.
      Leila Adams, and Alicia Chassel'"eau.
                                           Not Pictured: K"orn  Steward.
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