Page 263 - chs-1990
P. 263

fJJear students:
          rrtie few years you attenc£ scfwo{ is on{y tfie foundation of your
      future.                                                                                   y
          Sometimes peopfe ezyect a stucient to  feave  liigli sclioo{ witli a{{ tfie
      skj{(s necessary to comp{ete in our society.  In some rare instances tliis
      may liappen, 6ut not often. %e so fie£ foundation  a person  needs is
      acquirec£ tlirougli sclioo{ as we{{ as fami{y,  cliurcli, anc£ community.  It
      fiere  at Co{um6ia :Higli Scfwo{. .!llfter preparing a finn future  anyway  0
      is our c£esire to fie[p students acquire as so{ic£ a foundation as possi6{e

      tliey want. %ey are fimitec£ on{y 6y tlieir imagination.  It is our
      fu{ji{{ment anc£ satisfaction to see tlie young peopfe wlio wa{l( tliese
       fia{(s  reacli tlieir am6itions ana cireams.  I liope you wi{{ treasure tlie              u
      ezyeriences anc£ memories recorciec£ liere for you anc£ esta6{isli a sofia
      foundation for your future.  1\_?mem6er we  want tlie 6est for you . .Let's
      6e  num6er (1) one!! (jo for it!! May (joe£ 6e  witli you.

                                                                    S incere{y yours,
                                                                    Xf-nnetli 9-lerring



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