Page 148 - chs-1994
P. 148
A Full Schedule
When docs school stt~rt and end for
the school stt~ff? You'd think tht~t it
would end when the students lct~vc, but
that's not true. Some tct~chcrs end up
doing work until late at night. Even nftcr
meeting the needs of their pcrsonnl lives
and fnmilics, they must t~lso finish
grading and plt~n the next day.
Mr. Brt~dley, " school t~dministrntor,
says the got~l set for himself and the rest
of the guidClnce st<lff is to serve the
students and keep them directly on track.
The guidance personnel must work long
hours to mnintain this goal.
Mr. Bradley continued by commenting
that the aides nrc working hnrdcr by Sophomores Karen I Ioupt and Sarah Kelly show how much they love Mr. Mont despite his tough
American I Iistory honors class.
wntching over the three crowded lunches.
The custodinns must nlso work hard to
work, but Ms. Bauer, like the students, is Ms. Bauer left lt~w school to become
mnintt~in the new nnd upgr,1dcd interior.
always stressed out on Mondays. They arc teacher. She decided that lt~w schoo
Mr. Montgomery, a 36 yenr veternn of
both teaching five clnsses a dny. wt~sn't for her t~nd she felt if that sh
tenching, and Ms. B<nlcr, n first year
Mr. Mont teaches two AT' Americnn were to tct~ch, she could help
"rookie," offered some insights on
History classs, t~long with his· other people.
teaching at CHS. Both enjoy tenching but classes and spends his free time with his Both of these tet~chcrs put a
Ms. Bauer considers it slightly hectic students, fint~lly ending his day nt 11:00 effort into their tc<~ching and to both o
because she hns five different classrooms. p.m. them, the students come first.
Mr. Mont is not at nil overstressed with
Reading Lists, Papers to write, Dates to learn
English and History have an eye
on the future.
Lauri Bauer
Amanda Biehl
Louise Burnette
Colvin Carter
Kay Dekle
John Evans
Joe Fields
Gwendolyn Frazier
Wanda Gause
Eulene Wheeler
144 r;;~;t+ Teachers