Page 151 - chs-1994
P. 151

Mrs.  Uundy  may
                                                                                                         be  tc::.ching  for
                                                                                                         the  first  time  ::.t
                                                                                                         C.II.S.,  but  she
                                                                                                         brings a  love and
                                                                                                         1ntcrcst   in
                                                                                                         lc::.rning   and
                                                                                                         dcd1c:1tion  to  her

                                                                                                         Mrs. Cox keeps an
                                                                                                         eye  on   class .
                                                                                                         Student  Tiff::.ny
                                                                                                         Mdlry::.nt  g1vcs
                                                                                                         her  some  b::.ckup
                                                                                                         with  homework.
                                                                                                         1\n  ::.v1d  Gator
                                                                                                          fan,  Mrs.  Cox  hils
                                                                                                         ::.  G::.rficld  Shrine

                                                                                                          Jason Lee  ::.nd  R::.y
                                                                                                          Logan try to sweet
                                                                                                          talk  Mrs.  Lake
                                                                                                          into some  ::.nswcrs
                                                                                                          on  ::.  t::.kc  home
                                                                                                          test.  Guys,  you
                                                                                                          don't  the
                                                                                                          money     or

                                                                                                          Mrs.  M::.c  corners
                                                                                                          1\  hlcc  McDuffie,
                                                                                                          Jennifer  Dougla  ,
                                                                                                          Vid.l  Sp.:~rks,  and
                                                                                                          Erin  Moses to talk
                                                                                                          Chcm  I  Electron
                                                                                                          conflgur::.tions arc
                                                                                                          ::.  hot  topic  of
                                                                                                          convcrs::.tion   1n
                                                                                                          th1s  c1rclc   of
                                                                                                          young scientists.

          Mr  C::.mpbcll  discusses  the  ms ::.nd  outs of  h1s  ::.t  tc::.chcr-p::.rcnt  night.  Mr.  C::.mpbcll  also
          tc::.chcs :1  computer
                                                                                                   Faculty/ Staff    147
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