Page 191 - chs-1994
P. 191
"Lt•o club it. J s;re.ll
orgJni/Jllon fur me. I fed that
lhts IS bccoJUSl' I enJOY do tns;
good thtng" for uth<•r pt•oplt•."
-Tl'rL"ia Torro~ns
First row: Angel Hendero;on, Lo~ri I'itlo;, Keith Perry, Jo~kc joye. Second row: Joel Foremo~n, Jcsstc.l Furst, Jo~mie Derosters,
Denise O utlaw, Teresa Torrans-Treasurer, Lisa Bradtmueller-Presidenl, Stephanie Bailey- Vice Prcstdenl, Jayecni Patci-
Sccrcto~ry, Stacey Roberts, Sho~nnon Lominack, Ryan Heckathornc, Mr. Joyc. Third row: Kctna Patel, Nita Tho~kor, Catherine
Reynolds, A~hlcy McDuffie, Rtna Patel, Mystry Fatth, Airanal Patel, Kct!-oly Ramsey, Amy Brown, Enn Lord, Co~thy Dtcks.
Leo Club Roars for the Community
The Leo club served the community well this year. The group, which was a
youth organi7ation under the local Lion's club, was formed to get the young people at
.ll.S. involved in community service programs. The club prepared Thanksgiving
baskets for the poor, held a drive for used eycwear for the Lion's club's international
rciicf programs, and even sold "Turkey Crams" and held Cilf washes to pay for it all.
Mr. Joy<', a mt•mht·r of tlw Lion'~ cl ub, wa., tht•
spon1.or and ltJisun for the Leo cl ub. He not Lt•o cluh mt•mh••r-. Tt·n-.... Tnrr;m .. , Amy Pit·r-.ol and Li~ Bradtmudll•r di-. U1>1> th<•tr ne"t scrvtcL' prujcd with
only 1.uperviscd meell ngs, but he o,ervcd as a ponsor M· lnvc. The LL'Q d ub contnbutt:d to several chan table project!> thts year.
comm unicator be tween the Leo and Lton's
d ubs.
Leo Club 187