Page 195 - chs-1994
P. 195

"Debate  is  the  art  of  learmng  to
         argue  effectively;   besadc  ,
         somebody  hOls  to  debate  the
         winners  and  it  might  as  well  be
         us."-Mananne Kirby

                                         First row : Dawn  Perry,  Marianne  Kirby,  /\my Stafford,  13rian  Mimbs, John  Ran ken.  Second row:  1\lthelia
                                         Samuels, Daniellc Newbern, Ryan  Williams, Vernon  Lim, Timothy Mimbs, Shannon lluckles

            A Solid Argument. .. The Debate Club

                                                     Debate club cnjojed a great third year nt C.ll.S.  Even  in the short absence of
                                              dedicated sponsor  Mrs.  Wheeler,  the  team  J..ept  up  the  pace  with  many  first  ycnr
                                              members and only one Senior in  Brinn  Mimbs.  T'he  goal  of  the  program  is  to  teach
                                              members the ability to  persuade others to believe  their ideas  through  <~rgument.  The
                                              members arc not only taught to argue strongly and with authority, but illso by using the
                                              filets  to  their  advantage.  The  team  used  this  strnl<.•gy  when  it  prepnrcd  for
                                              competition with other nren schools.

         Spun~or Mrs.  Wheeler  debates  her  own  point
         when the t1me comes.  Mrs. Wheeler enjoys and   DebOlters Juan SierrOl  and Timothy Mimbs discuss an upcoming case.  TI1e ability to cooperate and share 1deas
         takes great pride in th1s fine team of debaters.   is essential  to a great debate team.

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