Page 178 - chs-1995
P. 178
First team earns respect
With a 11o-8-3 record. the Girl's Soccer team posted a
remarkable first season under the coaching of Todd Wldergren
assisted by Susan Scott. The Ladies placed third In the Wolfson
Invitational Christmas Toumament. winning two of three games.
Their record of 5-1-2 In front of the home crowd at CHS Stadium
brought In well wishers for a team who's time had finally come.
CHS lost to Sandalwood. then beat the Saints twice; they tied PI<
Young In Gainesville then beat them at home on the CYSA
Appreciation Day; they gave away a 2-1 game to St. Augustine.
then beat the Jackets 5-0 three days later.
The Lady Tigers scored 64 goals for the season and allowed 44.
Holly Hale led with 20 goals and Jackie Gil was tops In assists with
12. The defense recorded eight shutouts and keeper Heather
Scott posted a 1.8 goals-against average per game.
After showing mercy to Rrst Coast. the team of Jenoly SWisher, Allison Powers. Rachael
VanNess Row 2: Usa Goss. Denise Outlaw, Dominique Connor. Kell McCall, Holly Hd1e,
Krlsty Castelo, Cindy Jordon Row 3: Sara Carter. Marissa North. Jackie Gil, Robin SUllivan,
Ashley Mlzzonl. Nicki Parrish. Sarah Whitehead. stephanie Willis Row 4: Meredith
Richards, Manager, Brooke stubbs, Coach Widergren. Courtney Roberta, Heather
Scott Back Row: Mr. Gil show their roaring Tiger Spirit.
Loaded down with her books. band Instrument. soccer gear. and an ace bandage from
the coach shows that Cindy Jordan Is well rol.l'lded and overworked.
Allison Powers gets a congatulatory hug from Coach Wldergren for scoring the first goal
ever for Columbia High's first girl's team.