Page 176 - chs-1995
P. 176
Now the Ball is In Our Court. ...
The CHS Boys and G1rls
Tennis teams had good
ICcLSUnS lO be opllllll."tiC about
the 1995 season . Both
programs had strong
campa1gns 111 the 19~4
seasons , Wllh the boys
r1mshmg llurd 1n the J1stnct
or Clght learns and the g1rJs
Head Coach l1n1slung second. The boy~
Carolyn Delancy return rour or last ) cars lop
fl\·c ccds: Sen1ors Trevor
Williams, Thor Kolncs,
Juslm Moses, and Junior Zak
Brown. Scn1or AJam Brown,
Junior Bnan Mann anJ
ophomorc Bill Roberts will
also step up and be nwjor
contributors. The Tigers lake
on the region's toughest
teams year after year, ami , Bottom Row, L-R: Sam Peterson, Andy Mathews,Wes Douglas, Bill
Head Coach with the combination or sktll Roberts, Chuck Ward, Justin Moses. Back Row, L-R: Jason Worley,
Jaycc Allen and experience that the Tigers Adam Brown, Trevor Williams, Brian Mann, Thor Kolnes, Zak Brown.
now posse ·s, this sea on
should be one of the best ever.
Head coach Jaycc Allen takes over the Tigers after
Johnny Young's departure, anJ is stressing discipline
and conditioning as the keys to success. Carolyn
Delancy is the head coach of the girls team, and she is
aJ '() lookmg ror a fantaStiC year out of her group. She
returns all r1vc of her lop . eeds, Sophomore Kclfl
McCall, Jun1or Darcy Delancy, and Semon, Jenmfcr
Douglas, Marie Bergen, and Erin Moses. Freshmen
Dmmmque I lowell and Enn Shivcler may also be
called on to produce. Kelfl McCall, the lop seed, 1s
r..tnkcd in the slate and can always be counted on to
play tough against anybody.Sccond seed Darcy
Delancy has also been stale ranked and can beat any
body on any given day. Some of the powerhouse
programs the g1rls team \Viii lake on this year mdudc
Buchholt., Mamlann, and Orange Park . Coach
Delancy has the Tigers pracllcmg hard, do1ng
numerous dnlls lo improve stamina and
fundamentals. Both teams arc loaded with lalcnl and
have the des1rc to be the best. With hard work and Tiger Varsity Girls Tennis, front row, L-R :Darcy Delancy, Kristin Cole,
Marie Bergen, Erin Moses, Jennifer Douglas, Kelli McCall.
dcdH.:at10n, both teams can \ 1n the d1stnct loumarncnl
!Ius year. Back Row, L-R :Coach Carolyn Delancy, Heather Gilbreath, Chrissy Hadlcy,Erin
Shivelcr, Jana Blanton, Rebekah Plunkelt, Suzanna Sapp.
Sr. Marie Bergen Sr. Knstin Cole Sr. Jennifer Douglas Sr. En n Moses