Page 173 - chs-1995
P. 173
Goes To Bat For CHS
A whole new attitude sets the JV
girl's softball team aport from teams
of the post. Coach Machan Roberts
Kvlstod took over the young Tiger
team and taught them the skills
needed to suceed In the tough
district the Tigers ploy ln. Learning
new bolting. pitching. and throwing
techniques and getting a winning
attitude were the goals of Coach K
and her assistant Kelly Williams. II
was really exciting for the team to
hove two of CHS's best ever players
return as best ever coochesl
ront Row : Heather Mcdowell, Carrie Ebert, Candace Kelly, Daniell a Conner, Jackie Jennings,
risty Castillo, Melissa Enos, Audry LeFever, Ashley Mizzoni Back row: Kelley Williams,
mber Stephenson, Brooke Sherman, Casey McDuffie, Kim Couey, Sara Carter, Angela Rogers,
erase Kolnes, Kylie Markham, Machen Kvistad.
Sora Carter gets some lost minute advice from Mr. Edge.
Brooke Sherman shows off her battling power.
Strike out Is not In the vocabulary of bose hiller Candace Kelly.
JV Softball1