Page 174 - chs-1995
P. 174

Taking  that  extra  strid

     Geraldine Rob1nson.  Coach

      The  1995  CHS  T1ger
      I rad.  tea 111  has  111 g h
      hopes  lor  the  ~cason
      thiS  )'Car,  anu  \\'lth
      g(xxJ  reason. The)  arc
      commg oil a successful
      I 994  season  111  '' h 1 ch
      they  ne\ er  placcu  last
      1  n any  meet.  The  boys
     ha\'c  an  e'pcncnccu
      team  \\'lth  6  sen 10rs,
     Dcondrc  Cray,  Ou.1c
     Jcnk111s,  AI   clson ,
     John  Ge1gcr,  Jcrr)
     Mote,   anu   M1 kc
                                     Front l~ow :  Ess1s Holden. Lakeys1a Jenmngs, Carmen Bowles. Nola Harris, Brandi Everett. Brandi Mitchell
                                      Row 2: Brenda Kite.  Takydra Robinson, Bridget Everett, Nikki Smith, Hope Smith. Vicki Thornton. Marion
     Unuerd<L'>smen Y111cent         Wright. Back Row:  Courtney Roberts. Dede Arline. April. Ami Henry.
      Knowlc~.  0\\'aync  Robmson,  anu
     Em nest Uuch we also c'1x:ctcJ  to ha\ c
     strong  season~ .  The  g1rl~  ha\ c  a
     relatively  young  Sljllad ,  w1th  Amic
     Henry and  Nola llarns being the  only
     t\\0 scn1ors.  TakayJra  Rob1nson  and
     Bmndy Mitchell \'viii  also be strong for
     the  g1rls.  Both  boys  and  g1rls  teams
     were strong 111  the 4(Xl meter., and  the
     g1rls  also  shoulu  c'ccl  111  the  100
     meter  dash.  Both  team~  sent  one
     rcprcscntatl\ c  to  the  state  track  meet
     last  year,  Dn111n  Johnson  and  Troy
      hcppan.J,(class oi'Y4), anu  a1c  hop1ng
     o  send  C\Cn  more  th1\  )Car.  Best  of
     uck to both T1gcr track  teams.

                                                                                         Takydra Robinson picks up the pace.
                                           Dede Arline knows that stretching  is simportant.
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