Page 318 - chs-1995
P. 318
Sliannan Lee C{yatt
Six and a half years ago
would we ever have ~hannan,
expected all this? A It's our ~enior year, we are
friendship that anything about to graduate, and
could withstand. All our
memories and laughter co!fege is about to begin. I
will hold a special place in feel so lucky that I have the
my heart and mind. Let's support and love of, not only
not quit after high school. you but your family as well.
Even though we may take
seperate roads we can I just want to thank you for
always come back home all the great memories and
and find each other fun times we have shared
waiting with more stories
and laughter. I wish you together. In my mind it is
the best life has to offer. only a fraction of what I
You well deserve it! Thank hope to share with you in
you for all the Urnes of
laughter, smiles, and tears. the future. I promise to be
Let's save room for more! there for you always, I love
God bless you! you very much.
I Love You,
Stephanie I love you and always will,
We lhonk Cod everydoy for g1v1ng us a
Cronddoughler like you. We ore so lhonkful lhol
we hove been e port of your growing up. We
hod so much joy shoring lhis wilh you. We will
elwoys remember lhe lillie things we did
logelher, like when you come home from school
in lhe oflernoon, you would col your Chicken
Noodle ~up. We would hove our lillie lolks and
of course, I lhoughl you were perfect. Plcose
don't ever forgel our limes logelher ond always
remember how much Crondme & Papo loves you.
Don't ever chonge, olways sloy lhe person you
ore today. ~member lhol Cod will olways be
there for you.
We will always love you,
Popo & Crondmo